Where to find free music downloads sites
There are various different ways of downloading websites with free music legally and without running the risk of downloading any viruses or getting in trouble for file sharing. These sites have a mix of genres and selections from both new and old artists, so there is usually something for everyone if they search long enough. This article will look at three websites for music downloads.
Last FM
Last FM streams more music and it allows people to download music. This site requires that people sign up for an account, from where they have access to thousands of tracks and users are even able to select a genre and stream a collection from the site. It does allow users to download for free, but the tracks that it allows depend greatly on your taste of music. The tracks are usually older, but they do have the odd download of familiar artists and new performers, it is worth checking out the site from time to time to see if there is anything that appeals to you.
Bearshare is a similar service to Last FM except that it downloads a player to the user’s computer and the tracks are available through that. The site has access to over 15 million tracks and it ranges from new and old artists, and even unsigned artists are listed. So, users can either shop for their favourite artists or open their experiences and discover bands that are new to them or have been forgotten in general. The downside is the downloaded software. This might concern some people, but it shouldn’t as every track is protected and checked before it is uploaded. As it deals with the larger music companies, it should be trusted.
Spotify launched in the last few years and has become one of the largest and most reliable services for downloading and for free music streamer. Like Bearshare, users are required to download a piece of software, the interface for this will be familiar to anyone who has used iTunes earlier as it is very similar. The selection of music is kept updated and a lot of the files are available to be downloaded, and can be transferred to any MP3 player for use elsewhere.