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The best blogs : Religions & Beliefs

Impacting The Nations

Impacting The Nations

Son of A Thunder (Mark 3:17) | Word Become Flesh
Max Asher Max Asher
Articles : 148
Since : 08/05/2014
Category : Religions & Beliefs
Sabbath Keeper's name

Sabbath Keeper's name

Radical Reformation - The Journey of a Sabbath Keeper Réforme Radicale – Le Parcours d’un Observateur du Sabbat John 17:3 And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. Jean 17:3 Or, la vie éternelle, c'est qu'ils te connaissent, toi, le seul vrai Dieu, et celui que tu as envoyé, Jésus Christ.
Sabbath Keeper Sabbath Keeper
Articles : 129
Since : 11/01/2010
Category : Religions & Beliefs