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The End Times

Posts and discussions on Biblical passages related to the "last days," the end of the age, and the return of Jesus Christ.

Managed by David Maas

3 blogs

72 posts



Articles to discover :

Absolute Lord

Absolute lord

Jesus has reigned as the sole sovereign over the earth and cosmos since his death, resurrection, and ascension. already he sits on the messianic throne of david as he reigns from “mount zion.” it is to him alone that his followers owe their complete allegiance, submission, and obedience, not to caesar, and certainly not to any king, president,
Faithfulness in Testimony

Faithfulness in testimony

The church of smyrna is only one of two of the seven asian churches that received no correction, the other being philadelphia. what set this congregation apart was the level of persecution that it endured because of its “testimony,” and its steadfast refusal to “eat meat offered to idols” and otherwise compromise with the greco-roman cultur
The Ancient Conspiracy

The ancient conspiracy

History repeats itself. its landscape is littered with efforts by tyrants and empires to dominate large populations if not the entire planet. an aggressor may experience success for a time, but so far, every self-appointed global leader has floundered in the end. the empires of nebuchadnezzar, alexander, and caesar have all collapsed and been assig
Counterfeit Religion

Counterfeit religion

In chapter 13 of revelation, john saw a “beast ascending from the earth,” the “false prophet.” his intent was to deceive the “inhabitants of the earth.” the first “beast” that john saw “ascending from the sea” was characterized by its political power. in contrast, the “false prophet” used religion and propaganda to deceive,
In the Church

In the church

John identified false teachers in the church as ‘antichrists’, and their deceptive teachings confirmed that the last days had commenced. in the new testament, the term “antichrist” occurs only in the second and third letters of john. moreover, the apostle applies the plural form of the greek noun to deceivers who were causing dissension and
The Final Antichrst

The final antichrst

The spirit of the antichrist is raising up deceivers in the church, but a final antichrist will appear at the end of the age. the apostle john applied the term “antichrist” to false teachers who were disrupting his congregations, namely, deceivers who denied that “jesus is the christ” and “came in the flesh.” they were inspired by the
Babylon Exposed

Babylon exposed

Babylon is unveiled as a bejeweled and seductive harlot dripping with the shed blood of martyred saints. in chapter 17, the book of revelation presents an impressive female figure, “babylon.” she is called the “whore” and the “great city,” and she is linked to the violent deaths of the “witnesses” of jesus and the efforts of the “
Servant or Caesar?

Servant or caesar?

In the wilderness, satan tempted jesus by offering him political power over “all the kingdoms of the world,” an offer the messiah of israel emphatically refused. instead of power and grandeur, he submitted to the way of the ‘suffering servant’ that leads inevitably to death. but the most startling detail of this encounter is that he did not
The Son and the Dragon

The son and the dragon

In chapter 12, john sees a new “sign” in the heavens, the woman “clothed with the sun, and the moon beneath her feet.” she is wearing a “crown of twelve stars,” and she is pregnant and about to give birth to one identified as a “son.” he appears in fulfillment of the messianic promise in the second psalm, the king and son of yahweh
The Beast's Number

The beast's number

The “beast from the earth,” the “false prophet,” uses economic coercion and religious deception to induce men to “render homage to the beast,” and to erect an image to honor it. all those who give allegiance to the “beast” will take its “mark” and “number.” in the book of revelation, the descriptions of this “number” and
666 - Issues

666 - issues

Discussions on the “mark of the beast” concentrate on deciphering the significance of its number, ‘666.’ understandably, we wish to discover its meaning and thereby avoid taking it. however, to understand it we must first recognize the scriptural background behind the number, the relationship of the “mark” to the “seal of god,” the

Babel rises again

Babylon is both a historical kingdom and a symbol of the recurring rise of the world empire. in the first chapter of daniel, babylon is called the “land of shinar,” a link to the tower of babel in genesis and the founding of the imperial city in mesopotamia. that same incident is alluded to in the third chapter when king nebuchadnezzar gathered

The beast at war

The book of revelation uses “war” and related terms to illustrate satan’s attacks against the followers of the “lamb.” the book shows little to no interest in conventional or nuclear warfare between nation-states. instead, the “dragon” strives mightily to annihilate the saints before his allotted time expires. to do so, he employs dec

The barren temple

The gospel of mark divides the story of the barren fig tree into two sections and places the “cleansing” of the temple between them. the two incidents are closely linked. the fruitlessness of the fig tree and its cursing highlighted the failure and fate of the temple, and the actions of jesus foreshadowed its destruction. after his arrival in t

The third temple?

In the book of revelation, nothing is said about a temple structure in the city of jerusalem during the “thousand years” when satan is “bound,” let alone concerning the restoration of the levitical priesthood, the annual feast days, or animal sacrifices. based mainly on chapters 40-48 of the book of ezekiel, some interpretations assume the

The spirit of antichrist

The antichrist spirit works to destroy the church from within, especially through deception propagated by deceivers and false teachers – 1 john 2:18-22. in popular interpretations, the antichrist is viewed as a political tyrant intent on world domination. whether this proves to be true, jesus and his apostles expressed more concern about the dece

The church in revelation

The book of revelation applies several terms and symbols to the church that is under assault both from without and within. the men who are redeemed from the earth by jesus form a company that transcends all national, social, and cultural boundaries. and “tribulation” is not an aberration to be avoided at all costs. instead, persevering through

A message for every nation

The gospel of the kingdom of god announced by jesus is a message of life for men and women of every nation and people. after his resurrection, jesus declared, “all authority in heaven and on earth is given to me, therefore, go and make disciples of all nations!” as the lord and sovereign over all things, he dispatched his disciples as his messe

Two little horns in daniel?

The figure called the “little horn” figures prominently in the visions of the book of daniel. it is explicitly named in the visions of the “four beasts from the sea” and of the “ram and the goat.” it is reasonable to assume both visions portray the same figure. the historical references in the first vision are enigmatic, and in the seco

The mouth speaking great thiings

In the book of revelation, the “little horn” from daniel’s visions is not referred to explicitly but its characteristics are present in the “beast from the sea.” the book does not retell the same story from daniel without changes. instead, it modifies and repurposes it to tell its story. the “beast” is based on daniel’s “little ho

The fierce king

In the second half of chapter 8, daniel receives the interpretation of his vision of the “ram and the goat.” in chapter 7, only the first “beast from the sea,” the lion-like creature, could be identified with certainty, namely, the neo-babylonian empire. in contrast, in the interpretation in chapter 8, two of the four kingdoms are identifie

The ram and the goat

Next, daniel received a vision of a “ram” and a “goat” with a prominent horn. the ram represented the “kingdom of the medes and persians,” the goat symbolized the kingdom of greece, and its large horn represented its first great king who overthrew the “ram.” the vision is followed by an interpretation provided by an angelic figure.

The day of the lord

In his second letter to the thessalonians, paul refuted claims that the “day of the lord” was imminent if not already underway. contrary to what some voices claim, that day will not come until the “apostasy” occurs and the “man of lawlessness” is unveiled in the house of god. and when jesus does “arrive” on that final day, he will g

The son of man

In the four gospel accounts, the term “son of man” is the self-designation found most often on the lips of jesus. it is derived from the vision in the book of daniel of the one “like a son of man.” this figure receives the “dominion and kingdom” from the “ancient of days” when judgment is rendered, vindicating the “saints.” and

The little horn

The second half of chapter 7 of daniel interprets the vision of the “fourth beast” with the “little horn” that concluded in a judgment scene and with the declaration that the figure “like a son of man” received “dominion” and kingship from the “ancient of days.” consequently, “all peoples, races and tongues rendered homage to

The fourth beast

In chapter 7 of the book of daniel, the fourth “beast” that the prophet saw “ascending from the sea” is presented in more detail than the first three. it is the center and primary concern of the vision. the three other “beasts” provided background information for the rise of the fourth kingdom. unlike the first three, it had no analog i

Daniel's first three beasts

In a dream, daniel saw “four beasts ascending” from a chaotic sea. each corresponded to one of the four parts of the “great image” that nebuchadnezzar saw previously in his dream of a great image with a head of gold, a torso of silver, brass thighs, and legs of iron and clay. daniel’s vision of four creatures utilizes that same fourfold s

Imperial idolatry

Upon his arrival in babylon, daniel was confronted with a predicament. if he consumed the food and drink of the king, it would impinge on his ritual impurity. while he might have wished to avoid eating “unclean” meats, more likely, his concern was that consuming the “king’s delicacies” meant participation in the idolatrous rituals of the

Embracing leviathan

The inhabitants of the earth willingly venerate the beast and take its mark, although believers are not immune from its allurements. and discussions about the “mark of the beast” invariably focus on questions about what it is - a medical implant, a barcode, or a tattoo – as well as the significance of its “number,” ‘666.’ as important

An ancient beast

The beast from the sea is the latest incarnation of the ancient creature that has stalked the seed of the woman since the sin of adam. history repeats itself. its landscape is littered with efforts by tyrants and empires to dominate large populations and even the entire planet. they may experience success for a time, but so far, every self-appointe

Babylon then and now

The story of ancient babylon’s demise is reflected in the sixth trumpet and the sixth bowl of wrath in the book of revelation. in daniel, on the eve of the city’s conquest by the “medes and persians,” the crown prince, belshazzar, gave a feast “for a thousand of his lords” and “tasted wine” from the sacred vessels that nebuchadnezza

Empires and his kingdom

Only daniel could reveal the troubling dream of the babylonian king, unveiling the future of empires and the final kingdom. the second and third chapters of the book of daniel present a single story told in two parts. first, the babylonian ruler, nebuchadnezzar, dreams of an enormous image composed of several materials, which daniel then interprets

God grants rulership

The book of daniel presents insights into the future with an emphasis on the rise and fall of key empires that will impact israel. this includes coming times of “tribulation” when the people of god will endure persecution and even martyrdom at the hands of despotic pagan kings. but before doing so, it declares that the downfall of the kingdom o

The end

The new testament moves inescapably from the life and death of jesus to the last hour when god judges the wicked and vindicates the righteous. what is striking about new testament passages that describe the final victory of jesus is that they base this future triumph on the past death and resurrection of the nazarene. his crucifixion and subsequent

Babel and shinar

The arrogant acts of nebuchadnezzar in the book of daniel parallel the incident at the tower of babel in genesis. the book of daniel opens by calling the babylon of daniel’s day the “land of shinar,” a deliberate verbal link to the tower of babel incident and the founding of the original city of babel that centuries later became the capital o

Armageddon - sixth bowl

The sixth “bowl of wrath” causes the final battle between the “lamb” and the forces of the “dragon” – revelation 16:12-16. the first four “bowls” targeted the economy of the beast, and the fifth attacked its political power. now, the sixth “bowl” is emptied, unleashing demonic forces to gather the “kings of the earth” to t

Throne of the beast

The first four “bowls” destroyed the economic structure of the world-power; the fifth “bowl” targets the political dimension – revelation 16:10-11. the first “four bowls of wrath” attacked the economic infrastructure of the empire used by the “beast” to dominate the “inhabitants of the earth,” and to wage war “against the sa

First four bowls

The first four bowls of wrath destroy the economic infrastructure of the “beast,” and punish those who took its “mark” – revelation 16:1-9 . at the start of the vision, the saints were standing on the “sea of glass, having come off victorious from the beast, and from his image, and from the number of his name . ” the heavenly tabernac

Counterfeit christs

Since its founding, satan has been sending hordes of deceivers and false prophets to destroy the church from within. popular preaching tends to present the antichrist as the ultimate global political leader, a tyrant bent on subjugating all nations through military and economic means. but new testament descriptions show far more concern about decei

Mouth speaking great things

The mouth speaking great things in daniel appears in revelation in the description of the beast from the sea and its war against the saints. in revelation, the “little horn” is not explicitly named but its characteristics are in the “beast from the sea.” the book does not retell the same story without changes but modifies it to tell its sto

The dragon's war

In revelation, the language of “war” is used metaphorically to portray the attacks of the “beast” against the saints. revelation uses “war” and related terms to illustrate satan’s attacks against the followers of the “lamb.” it shows no interest in conventional or nuclear warfare between nation-states. instead, the “dragon” st

Song of the lamb

Having “overcome” the beast and its “mark,” the saints stand on the sea of glass while singing the song of the lamb. t he fifteenth chapter introduces seven angels who are poised to empty the contents of the “ seven bowls of wrath .” before they do so, john sees the “ overcoming ” saints standing on the “ sea of glass mingled with

Ingathering of grapes

The ingathering of the “grapes” represents the “wrath of god” on all men who have taken the "mark of the beast" – revelation 14:17-20. next, john sees the ingathering of the “fruit of the vine” that has been pressed in the “wine press of god's wrath.” this represents the fate of the men who have given their allegiance to the “be

Final grain harvest

Two different “harvests” will occur at the end of the age – the reaping of the “grain” and the ingathering of the “fruit of the vine.” in chapter 14, revelation contrasts the men who follow the “lamb” with those who render homage to the “beast,” the “inhabitants of the earth.” and two different fates await each that are pr

Fall of babylon

Angels announce judicial sentence on “babylon” and the “inhabitants of the earth,” but “rest” awaits the faithful followers of jesus. next, “another angel” announced the “fall of babylon.” he was followed by “a third angel” who pronounced the judicial sentence on men who gave their allegiance to the “beast from the sea.”

Everlasting gospel - final harvest

Whether one follows the lamb or the beast, one will reap everlasting consequences in the final harvest - revelation 14:6-7 . the preceding paragraphs presented two very different groups - the “ inhabitants of the earth ” that rendered homage to the “beast,” and the 144,000 priests of god , the “ first fruits ” of the earth purchased by

Mark of the beast

All men who refuse to follow the “lamb” will render homage to the “beast” and take its “mark” – revelation 13:16-18. the “false prophet” uses the power of the first “beast” against anyone who refuses to give full allegiance to it - its “mark” is an economic tool. commerce is the lifeblood of the world-power and leveling ec

Priestly company

The 144,000 “males” on mount zion are the “first fruit” of the final “grain” harvest, the priestly company that “follows the lamb.” previously, john saw 144,000 “males” from the tribes of israel encamped around the tabernacle. now, they appear on “zion” with the “lamb,” a company of priests and the “first fruits” of

Counterfeit christ

The “beast from the earth” mimics the lamb and presents a counterfeit of the true faith – revelation 13:11-18. john saw a second “beast ascending from the earth” whose purpose is to deceive the “inhabitants of the earth” to give their allegiance to the first “beast.” the latter is characterized by political power, and the former b

Beast from the earth

The beast from the earth mimics the lamb. it is the mouthpiece of the dragon, and the propagandist for the first beast. the “great voice in heaven” pronounced “woe” on the “inhabitants of the earth and of the sea , because the devil descended to you, having great wrath.” he then launched his war against the “seed of the woman” by su

Persecuting beast

The “dragon” and his earthly vassals wage war against the saints, the followers of the lamb, and not against other nation-states. the book of revelation portrays the cosmic conflict between satan and jesus, one that plays out in the daily struggles of the church. on the earth, the agents of the “dragon” execute his attacks on the church, es

Inhabitants of the earth

The “inhabitants of the earth” represent the men and women who are excluded from the “book of life” by their own decisions. the “inhabitants of the earth” are unrelenting in their hostility to jesus and his servants, even rejoicing in the violent deaths of his “witnesses.” unlike the “nations” and the “kings of the earth,” t

War against the saints

The beast from the sea is authorized to wage war against the “saints” for its overlord, the dragon – revelation 13:6-10. next, the “dragon” tasked the “beast” with the annihilation of the “saints,” and to facilitate it, he received authority over all nations and peoples. humanity is divided into two groups: those who “render hom

Beast from the sea

The dragon began his war on the “seed of the woman” by summoning his “seed,” the beast from the sea – revelation 13:1-5. at the end of chapter 12 the “dragon” was poised to attack the “seed of the woman” as he stood on the seashore summoning his own “seed,” beginning with the “beast from the sea.” having failed to destroy

The short season

The devil will be granted a final “short season” during which he will persecute the people of the lamb - revelation 12:12. expelled from heaven, a “great voice” warned that the “dragon” was enraged, knowing that he had only a “short season” in which to destroy the “saints.” after he was thwarted in his attempt to destroy the “

Beast from the abyss

The first appearance of the “beast” was at its ascent from the “abyss,” when it arrived to make “war” on the “two witnesses” – revelation 11:7 . the “abyss” appeared first when the “fifth trumpet” sounded, a dark pit from which demonic hordes “ascended,” and several more times in revelation, satanic forces are describe

The abyss

The abyss is the source of satanic attacks against the people of god, though it remains under the authority of the lamb – revelation 11:7 . when first introduced, “smoke” and locust-like creatures ascended from the “abyss” to torment the “inhabitants of the earth.” in revelation, it is the deep pit from which satanic agencies ascend t

Kingdom or christendom?

The deception of christendom is the attempt to invoke god and christ to validate national institutions and ideologies. in common usage, the term ‘christendom’ refers to “that part of the world in which christianity prevails,” either because most citizens of a nation claim to be christian or because a specific church is recognized by its gov

Standing fast

Believers withstand the “apostasy” and the “man of lawlessness” by “standing firm” in the apostolic tradition – 2 thessalonians 2:13-17. paul next provides instructions on how the thessalonians are to prevail through the coming onslaught and find themselves standing “blameless” before jesus when he “arrives with all his holy one

Lawless one destroyed

Jesus will destroy the works of the “lawless one” and “paralyze” him at his “arrival” in glory – 2 thessalonians 2:8-12. jesus will deal with the “lawless one” at his own “arrival.” in describing this, paul employs language from daniel’s vision of the “ little horn speaking great things .” originally, that image represen