The End Times
Posts and discussions on Biblical passages related to the "last days," the end of the age, and the return of Jesus Christ.
Managed by David Maas
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The mystery of lawlessness is at work even now preparing the way for the lawlessness one’s arrival – 2 thessalonians 2:5-7.
the “ day of the lord ” will not commence until two events occur - the “ apostasy ” and the “ revelation of the man of lawlessness .” next, paul describes the “ mystery of lawlessness ” that has been operat
Prior to the return of jesus, the “man of lawlessness” will be revealed when he seats himself in the “sanctuary of god” - 2 thessalonians 2:3-4 .
according to paul, jesus will not return until two events take place, the “ apostasy ” and the “ revelation of the man of lawlessness .” the two are inextricably linked. this malevolent fi
Two events must occur before the “day of the lord” - the apostasy and the unveiling of the man of lawlessness – 2 thessalonians 2:3-4.
paul explained why the “ day of the lord ” had not commenced. two events must occur first, the “ apostasy ” and the unveiling of the “ man of lawlessness .” certain men were spreading false informa
Disinformation about the “day of the lord” caused alarm among many in the congregation at thessalonica – 2 thessalonians 2:1-2.
paul addressed claims that the “ day of the lord had set in ," rumors that were disrupting the congregation in thessalonica, apparently, spread by a “spirit,” a word (logos), or a letter, “ as if from us .”
John labeled false teachers in the church “antichrists,” and their deceptive teachings confirmed the “last days” had commenced - 1 john 2:18.
in the new testament, the term “ antichrist ” occurs only in the second and third letters of john, and he applied the plural noun to deceivers that had emerged within his congregations, individual
On the mount of olives, jesus reiterated key information that is necessary for his followers to avoid deception by false prophets.
christ’s final block of teaching, his ‘olivet discourse,’ was a series of instructions given to the disciples before his arrest and execution. in it, and repeatedly, he warned that deceivers and “ false prophets
Jesus warned disciples about coming deceivers and false prophets who will “deceive many” and propagate false information about his return.
jesus began with a sharp warning, beware of deceivers who will use his authority to spread rumors about wars, earthquakes, and other calamities. they will “ deceive many .” but contrary to their claims,
Daniel’s “little horn” is found in revelation in the description of the “beast from the sea” and its “war against the saints."
in revelation, the “little horn” is not named but its features are present in the “beast from the sea.” the book does not retell the same story but modifies and repurposes it to tell its story. the “be
The war between “north” and “south” culminates in the rise of the “contemptible” ruler and the “abomination that desolates” - daniel 11:1-45.
daniel received his final vision in the “third year of cyrus,” and it expanded on the earlier vision of the “ram and the goat.” beginning with the division of the greek kingdom, the an
The “little horn” represents the malevolent ruler of the seleucid empire, antiochus iv, who waged war against judea.
in the eighth chapter, the “little horn” is the malevolent king from one of the hellenic kingdoms that originated from the conquests of alexander. the historical allusions in the chapter make his identity clear, and by associ
Will the antichrist be a global political leader or a religious deceiver especially active within the church?
most often, popular preaching presents the antichrist as the ultimate global political leader, a tyrant bent on subjugating all nations through military and economic means. but new testament descriptions show far more concern about deceiver
To identify the antichrist, we must rely on what the relevant scriptures say about him, his methods, and his agenda.
the subject of the “ antichrist ” raises understandable questions. who is he? when will he appear? how will we recognize him? what is his “mark” or “number”? in popular preaching, he is a global political leader who uses