how to save money with last minute bookings
Many UK travellers are under the assumption that booking flights and travel package deals early is the cheapest method. While this is true most of the time, it is possible to find last minute holiday deals. Here, we will examine the ins and outs of saving money on last minute holiday bookings.
General information
Overview Online checking and research is the best way to find cheap last minute beach holidays and hotels, bargain cruises and hotel or flight reservations. No matter if you are looking for late deals to Dubai, New York holidays or it all can be found online. UK tourists should just search for last-minute holidays on travel websites; you can also try calling local travel agencies that specialise in last-minute deals for UK travellers. Before you know it, you will be cruising on an easy yet cheap flight to your dream travel destination.
Where to buy
Online Going online to purchase your last-minute holiday booking is the cheapest option for UK travellers. Here is a list of various websites to try. Saving money with last-minute bookings is just a few steps away. Kayak Kayak is great for those from the UK because the company not only specialises in many cheap flights out of major cities in England, it also allows you to compare travel prices across a wide range of travel services. You can compare more than ten at a time. Student Universe This site specialises in cheap flights, cheap tours and inexpensive travel packages for students. It has a section with last-minute booking deals. Air Asia Centred in Kuala Lumpur and having a base in London, this is the place for UK travellers to go if you want to travel to south-east Asia. Last-minute travel packages are for sale weekly and the site regularly adds last-minute booking deals. Expedia This is one of the best travel sites in the world. Go to the "Deals and Offers" section and search for late travel deals. Use the UK site for more applicable travel deals. Sunmaster This specialised UK travel site has a travel "Deals of the Week" section that regularly has last-minute deals available.
Things to consider
Be flexible If you just want to go on a vacation and do not have any specific place in mind, be flexible with your travel destinations and time frames. Most travel websites have tons of last-minute deals available, but most have the time and place already planned. So, pick one which you like from the list of last-minute travel booking deals, and go. Book your own hotel Typically packages are more pricey, so book a last-minute flight and find your own cheap hostel.