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Where to buy a manual can opener

While the tin can was invented in 1813, the first can opener was not invented until 1858, and it resembled a bayonet more than the can opener of today. It was not until 1870 that the more familiar cutting wheel technology was invented. The manual can opener is in three different forms that are available in many stores nowadays. This article shows where to buy a manual can opener.

Church key

The church key is the most basic of all the can openers, and it is usually two openers in one. The pointed end is for opening cans, while the other end it for prying lids from bottles. The pointed end pierces the metal of the top of the can, creating a hole through which you can pour out the contents. By piercing a second hole on the other side of the top, you allow in air which creates a faster stream when pouring. The church key is available at numerous stores from the hardware store to the grocery store, to high-end kitchen furnishing stores.

Swing away can opener

The swing away can opener is made of three specific parts: a cutting wheel, a handle or crank which rotates the wheel and two handles which "clamp to form a lever." The wheel cuts the lid of the can after you clamp it in place. By turning the crank or handle, you guide the wheel around the circumference of the lid, cutting it free from the body of the can. This form of a can opener can be either a portable can opener, a wall-mounted can opener, or a
counter-mounted can opener. The main drawback of this can opener is that the edges of the lid and the can itself could be sharp, which could be dangerous. The portable swing away (which refers to the lid swinging away from the body of the can) can opener is available at hardware stores, grocery stores, furnishing stores and most kitchen supply stores. The wall mounted can opener is available at most furnishing stores and kitchen supply stores. The counter-mounted can opener is available at some furnishing stores and commercial kitchen supply stores.

Smooth edge can opener

The smooth edge can opener refers to the fact that the can opener removes the lid by cutting below the edge of the can, without creating any sharp edges. This can opener is available at most furnishing stores as well as grocery stores and kitchen supply stores.

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