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A guide to buying a king-size mattress

The sales of king-size beds have increased over the years to the point where these beds sell more than the double beds that had been the most popular until 2008. Now, the bed is seen not just as place to sleep, but a place where one can watch TV and spend time with the family. The king bed has precedence: the Great Bed of Ware from the 1500 was eleven feet wide. This article provides a guide to buying a king-size mattress.


The mattress that is king-sized actually comes in more than one size. The standard king-size is 76 inches by 80 inches. A larger version of the king-size bed is the California bed which measures 72 inches by 80 inches.

Mattress type

The king-size bed can come in a range of mattress types: air, water, polyurethane foam, memory foam, pocket spring and continuous spring. - Air mattresses can be the stick-in-the-closet type which is a step-up from the one that you go hiking with. While comfortable, it can be vulnerable to injury. - Water beds work well, if you have bad backs, but they can tend to telegraph motion. - Latex mattresses are heat sensitive and dense, but rather expensive. - Polyurethane mattresses are inexpensive, but their resilience does not last. - The memory foam mattress minimises pressure points while conforming to the body. It does have a tendency to sink under the weight of the sleeper. - Continuous spring mattresses cost less than pocket spring mattresses, but do not distribute weight well. The pocket spring mattress distribute weight better and are more comfortable and they have a price to match.

Check out the mattress and budget

When you are shopping for a king-size mattress, take your time. You are going to be spending a lot of time in the bed, so you should be comfortable. Go to the stores and lie on each bed to see how it feels. About a fifteen minutes should give you a good idea of whether it will suit. Stay within your budget. While pocket coil and memory foam mattresses are among the most comfortable, you may not be able to afford them. However, there are a few things that you can do, such as supplementing the mattress with a foam topper that gives it more softness and support.

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