A guide to buying hiking clothing
A hiking or camping trip may require additional clothing such as warm tops and jackets, walking shorts, hiking boots and camping gear. These items can be found and purchased at speciality shops or in the sporting goods sections of many department stores. Read this article to learn how to buy hiking clothing.
What kind of clothes to buy and pack for a hiking trip?
Most hiking trips require clothing that is not part of the regular wardrobe. For a hiking trip, a person needs travel clothes of knit or cotton that pack well and dry quickly. Many department stores offer special lines of hiking clothes, such as Columbia clothing, designed for outdoor wear. Stores such as Cabelas and Sierra Trading Post are known for their stock of camping, outdoor clothing and equipment. L.L. Bean is a catalogue store that offers a good variety of outdoor fare such as vests, tops and hiking shorts.
Buying jackets and outerwear for a hiking trip
What clothing is needed for a hiking or camping trip depends on the climate and season. For a trip in the mountains, a fleece jacket is a good purchase. Fleece jackets are lightweight and warm. Soft and pliable, they are easily rolled up and packed and can be put on over a long-sleeved top as an extra layer of warmth. A good option A lined and hooded nylon jacket is a good option for colder climate hikes. A portable raincoat may be needed in rainy climates. The secret is to travel light and to pack only what outerwear will be needed to stay warm, dry and comfortable.
Finding hiking boots and walking shoes
A good pair of hiking boots or walking shoes is an important part of hiking gear. Sturdy shoes with rugged soles are best to provide support and protect against slips and falls over rocks and rough trails. Shoes that are waterproof are also a good idea. Many hikers choose Merrell brand hiking boots and shoes. Other popular brands are Keen and Vasque.
Where to buy hiking and camping gear
Many sports stores sell a variety of hiking gear equipment. Some speciality stores, such as Cabelas, are designed with the outdoor enthusiast in mind. These stores can outfit the hiker or camper with clothing needs such as jackets, vests and hiking boots. All kinds of camping and outdoor gear such as tents, sleeping bags and backpacks can also be found in the following stores: - Sierra Trading Post (Sierratradingpost.com) - Cabelas (Cabelas.com) - L L Bean (Llbean.com)