A guide to home security kits & cameras
If you are concerned about the safety of your home, a home security system is a wise decision. Before you buy one, however, you will need to determine which home security devices you will need from the many options available. Systems range from simple alarms to complex CCTV surveillance with phone notifications, or alerts to local law enforcement.
Basic home security camera
Using a CCTV camera kit is an effective way of adding protection to your home. Many security cameras system offer Internet monitoring, so you can hook the DVR camera system to an Internet connection, and view your CCTV camera from any Internet connected PC.
An IR CCTV camera will be required if you need a camera that sees moving objects in the dark. These night vision CCTV systems use special lights around the camera lens that make the area being monitored appear illuminated. Another option to consider is to use a CCTV spy camera, or a hidden camera system, where the home security equipment is concealed.
CCTV camera kit: how many cameras?
When it comes to the installation of CCTV cameras, the size of your home determines how many cameras to install:
Single or multiple
A large house might require the installation of three or four CCTV cameras. Many websites offer package deals on CCTV camera. Dome security cameras can be placed in several locations in your home – these are dome-shaped cameras that rotate to cover greater surveillance areas.
Wired or wireless
Experts debate over which security systems are better – hard-wired or wireless. There are advantages and disadvantages to both.
Wired systems
Wired systems are considered more reliable, and, as they are usually installed by professional contracts, home owners can be assured of a proper installation. However, a wired security system is more expensive to install and is more time-consuming.
Wireless systems
Wireless systems on the other hand, in avoiding the wiring process, are quicker and easier to install. They are easy to relocate as well.
Security cameras UK: Best deals
If you are a homeowner in the UK, ADT Home Security (Adt.co.uk) is a good place to check for home security equipment. They offer customised solutions for their customers. Another website to consider is Iviewcameras (Iviewcameras.co.uk). If shipping overseas is not a problem, check the Home Security Store – it has excellent ratings.
Getting the best home CCTV system, depends firstly, upon the amount of security you want to provide, and then on affordability. With a little research, you can install the system that suits you best and breathe easily.