A review of Women's Health magazine
Women's Health magazine is published ten times a year in the USA and it is all about women's lifestyle. This piece reviews the magazine's content and how to subscribe to it.
Basic facts
Women's Health is published by Rodale Press, which publishes nine magazines in total and deals in 47 different countries worldwide. The magazine was originally a partner to Men's Health magazine, but later found its own. It now has a readership of 1.5 million in the USA. What is the magazine about? According to the website (Womenshealthmag.com), the magazine is primarily for women who have low confidence, and who are interested in lifestyle issues but are sensitive to media pressure found in other health and fitness magazines. The magazine therefore aims to provide neutral lifestyle advice.
Womens health
The magazine has a vast range of sections and features covering different areas of interest. There are sections on food, sex and love, fitness, weight loss,health, beauty and style, among others.
"Bye Bye Blemishes!"
Within each section, the magazine publishes features on matters of interest and for the purpose of advice. For example, on the website (05.07.11), "Bye Bye Blemishes!" contains many useful tips for taking care of your skin.
There are also features on how to spice up your sex life, healthy recipes and real-life stories and interviews. The variety in each topic is endless, especially if readers consult the website in conjunction with reading the magazine itself.
There is also a letters page for readers to voice out their views. The front cover of the magazine is usually colourful and attractive, with a picture of a female model and a selection of enticing headlines.
Woman online The best way to subscribe is online. Subscription is only available cheaply to those living in the USA or Canada. Overseas subscription is also available, but delivery costs around $50. Two free trial issues are included, along with 12 free gifts and you reserve the right to cancel your subscription within 30 days. Online for two years (20 issues), the cost is $19.80 with free delivery and for one year (10 issues), the cost is $11.99 with $3.99 delivery. The Women's Health Tone Up Work Out DVD can also be added to the order for $14.98. Readers can also subscribe to email newsletters for free. There are a variety of newsletters available, all covering different topics. For example, the "Look Better Naked" comes once in a week, or if you choose the "Women's Health Daily Dose", it will be sent five times a week for a pick of the latest news and features from the magazine. (Prices as at 05.07.11)