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A review of the evidence for the presence of aliens

Do aliens exist or are they figments of human imagination? While the question may appear subjective, evidence appears to gear the question from the realm of myths to that of scientific discovery. A conclusive decision is as yet to be made, however. The following article provides evidence and raises a few arguments for the presence of aliens both on Earth and in outer space.

Do aliens exist?

The Milky Way is approximately 100,000 light years in diameter and the galaxy where Earth is located, is comparatively very small. According to numerous scientists, including the cosmologist Stephen Hawking, it is vastly improbable that planet Earth is the only inhabited planet in the universe. Hawking also suggests that aliens may not only be found on other planets, but also in the centre of stars and in interplanetary spaces. Whilst the sheer size of the universe increases the probability that aliens exist, the question of their existence on planet Earth becomes raised.

Past civilisations and discoveries

Some people believe that ancient monuments such as Machu Pichu, the Great Pyramid, Stonehenge and the Nazca Lines are proofs that alien life is- or was- present on Earth. The craftsmanship to be found in these sites raises the question of how they were built. Many people turn to aliens as the only plausible explanation. Discoveries made in both Peru and Egypt, also appear to support the alien argument. Ancient Egyptian paintings depict figures with long, thin fingers, protruding abdomens and out-of-proportion stomachs. Moreover, numerous elongated skulls have been discovered in Peru, dating back to the time of the Ancient Egyptians.

UFO sightings

An allegedly extra-terrestrial spacecraft- with alien inhabitants in it- was recovered in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Since then, the existence of UFOs has been debated and the hunt for flying saucers has since been an enduring feature in pop culture. Websites such as provide up-to-date listings of alleged spaceship glimpses across the globe. Tourist towns such as Outback Australia's Wycliffe Well, thrive on their reputations as locations where flying saucers are likely to be found. The question remains whether there is sustained proof of the existence of aliens on Earth. The existence of government organisations, such as the British UFO Investigation unit and hotline, suggests there is. However, the unit was closed late in 2010. The Times Online suggests that the organisation was shut down so as to prevent its reports from being made public. The decision on what to believe remains to the discretion of every individual. Whether fact or fiction, the search for alien life will continue long into the future, both here on Earth and into the furthest reaches of space.

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