Basics of VOIP technology
Voice over Internet Protocol is the abbreviated form of VoIP or Voice over IP. Some of the abbreviated terms used for Internet telephony include IP telephony, Internet telephony, broadband telephony, and broadband phone.
VoIP solutions: Features
The significant features associated with VoIP telephones include voice, fax, SMS, and or voice-messaging applications. Unlike conventional telephones that employ public switched telephone network (PSTN), VoIP communications transmit the phone call through the Internet. IP packets In the VoIP systems, IP packets will be passed in the following steps: Signaling and setting up of the media channel, analog voice signal digitisation, encoding, packetisation, and transmission. At the receiving end, the IP packet will be decoded in the following steps: Reception and decoding of packets which are then converted from digital to analog signals. In this manner, original voice stream will be produced.
VoIP services: Types
VoIP phones are gaining popularity these days as they are cost-effective compared to conventional telephones. The VoIP tools that are mostly used include IP phones, software VoIP, mobile, and integrated VoIP. Portable devices such as smartphones also include VoIP technology. Thus, users can make calls or send text messages using 3G or WiFi. Methods VoIP communications use three methods for connecting with the VoIP network. In other words, VoIP calling can be done through any one of the following modes: Using a VoIP telephone, or using a “normal” telephone that is connected with a VoIP adapter. When calls are transmitted from the VoIP device to the normal telephone through PSTN (public switched telephone network), it is known as “PC-to-phone” call. In this case, the VoIP device may not necessarily be a PC (personal computer). On the other hand, calls that are routed from one VoIP device to another are termed as “PC-to-PC” calls. Even in this case, both the devices need not necessarily be a PC. Drawbacks Given the numerous advantages and features associated with VoIP applications, there are also some drawbacks associated with the same technology like any other communication system. As VoIP technology uses Internet as the mode of data transfer, it is quite vulnerable to hacking, just like any traditional IP data networks.
VoIP security: Vulnerability and need for research
VoIP security is quite an important arena that needs to be explored as damage to your VoIP telephony is possible with the traditional hiccups associated with using Internet as the medium. This includes spoofing, virus attack, and unauthorised access by the third party. The issues are almost similar to those associated with using Internet. Nevertheless, it is much more secure as compared to emails or online payments of bills. However, people should refrain from sending sensitive information over the Internet.