Five famous Anthony Robbins quotes
There is a number of Tony Robbins quotes on the net. Here is a small selection of five short and 'snappy' Anthony Robbins' quotes, hand-picked and interpreted in this article.
The five quotes
Live with passion! To live with passion is to let life flow through you and that is what living is all about. Have you ever heard that some people are not living but merely existing? It is not the physical body that is referenced, of course, but the living being himself. It is not the body that makes the man but the man who makes his body. It is also the man who makes up his environment. It all starts from you. Most people fail in life because they major in minor things An easy way to understand this is the idea of bean counting. You should always get the overview before you drill down to the specifics. Think macro before you go micro. It is the big picture that affects; details often make little to no difference. You become what you do most of the time We are constantly evolving. You can't stay the same even if you want to. Individuals who 'insist' to stay stuck or depressed, feel (spiritually) suffocated. Those who flow along, on the other hand, feel really good. The more you flow, the more exhilarated you feel. Why live an ordinary life, when you can live an extraordinary one Either way, you live and it's your life that you are living. Therefore, it makes sense to live more joyfully. To do the opposite, however, will take a lot of effort because that is going against your natural grain. The past does not equal the future If this is true, there is no use in wallowing in or regretting the past. What you can do however, is to take the good bits (or memory) and savour on those. People are used to thinking that the past affects the future. Are they equally aware that the future affects the past? This is true because it has been proven in quantum physics.
Why listen to Anthony Robbins?
Author's note He is one of those rare beings who succeeded in a personal transformation on a large scale. He is a living legend and an inspiration to us all.