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How can women lose weight

As unfair as it may seem, women have a harder time losing weight than men. This happens because the male body carries a lot more muscle mass and muscle burns more calories than fat, even while resting. Another reason why a woman's body may be more resistant to losing fat is because adipose tissue is essential for women, so as to enable her to conceive and carry on a pregnancy.

How does the human body lose weight?

Even though losing weight may be a little bit harder if you are a woman, the truth is that every time you create a calorie deficit, you will lose weight. There are no exceptions to this. It happens every time. Therefore, the most effective diet will be the one that creates an adequate calorie deficit to help you lose weight fast. However, following a fast diet or quick loss diet (a very low calorie diet) can have the opposite effect, because it will put your body into “starvation mode”. The best diet plans create only a moderate calorie deficit.

How to lose weight

Here are some helpful tips on losing weight: Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables All healthy eating diets include a lot of fruits and vegetables. This doesn’t happen only because these foods contain many nutrients, but also because fruits and vegetables can act as excellent weight loss aids. They can keep you full for longer and help you to decrease your total calorie consumption. Don’t use diet pills You don’t need diet pills. The best diet pill is calorie restriction. Some pills may increase your metabolism slightly and help you to burn a few extra calories, but you can have the same results just by going for a small walk every day. Eat enough protein Protein can serve as an excellent diet aid. It increases satiety, it helps you to preserve your muscle mass and it speeds up your metabolism. Eat healthy fats Any reliable diet food plan should contain healthy fats. It’s a myth that fat is bad for you. Dietary fat is necessary for the absorption of nutrients and the secretion of important hormones. However, it would be a good idea to replace saturated fats with monounsaturated fats, which are found in olive oil, avocados, peanuts, walnuts and almonds.

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