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How to choose digital dictation software

Until recently, digital dictation was only available through digital Dictaphone devices. In the modern digital marketplace, there is a huge variety of software and mobile apps that will do the same job for much cheaper. In this article, we'll look at how to choose the best voice dictation software and how to get the most out of your speech dictation system.

Mobile apps

Portable digital Dictaphones are still available and can actually still be bought a very cheaply. However, carrying another portable digital device is not always the best option to many people. Most office workers use a smartphone or other smart device such as an iPod touch. These devices allow people to access some kind of application store. From the store, users can buy Dictaphone apps for a fraction of the price of the physical unit. When downloading a Dictaphone app, look for some software that allows one touch recording. This will allow you to pace your office whilst dictating notes and not have to worry about a complicated interface. If you are using an Apple device, then look for a system which allows you to transfer the files into iTunes. This will allow you to easily manage your digital files and review them at a later date. With the advancement in digital processing in mobile devices in recent years, it is now possible to obtain speech recognition software very cheaply.

Speech recognition

The world leader in dictation and voice recognition software are the DragonDictate products. DragonDictate speech recognition can now be downloaded for free from the Apple store. This software has been proved to be up to five times quicker than typing for the average user, however dictating notes directly into voice recognition software can require a quiet environment. Of course, you'll need to remember that anything you dictate, unlike anything you type, is able to be heard by other people in the surrounding environment. This means that it is not the best for sensitive or confidential documents. Previous versions of voice recognition software require that the user train the software with the exact sounds of his or her voice. However, the new iPod and iPod at the Dragon dictation software is able to translate your voice into speech with no training whatsoever. This advancement will be a very attractive feature for many people. If on the other hand, you need to translate transcripts from audio files, then you will need to use a piece of software like MacSpeech pro. This allows the user to simply drag and drop and audio file for voice recognition translation. This means that transcription services can be undertaken in house and for much lower costs.

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