How to clean a mattress
There are cost-efficient and effective ways to clean mattress at home. Hence, if you have pets and your feline friend decides to urinate on your bed, you do not need to throw away your stained mattress and buy a new one. You can use the ordinary household items to remove cat urine from your mattress even if you catch your cat peeing on bed. This article will indeed provide the easy steps to clean your mattress and to get rid of urine stains and odour.
Blot out the fluid
Blotting off the urine If you catch your cat urinating on bed, you should immediately blot the urine off the mattress by using an absorbent rug or paper towels. To do this, place the absorbent rug or paper towels directly on top of the urine and let the rug or paper towels absorb as much liquid as possible. Press the rug or paper towels deep into the mattress, to extract whatever liquid may have sipped into the mattress. Do not attempt to rub the rug or paper towels on the wet area to prevent staining. After blotting out the urine, use a wet vacuum cleaner to suck the remaining liquid out.
Use vinegar solution to remove dried urine
The vinegar solution If the urine has already dried, you may use vinegar to blot out the urine. To do this, mix one part of vinegar with one part of water inside a spray bottle . Then, spray the mixture directly on the soiled area. Let the vinegar solution sip into the mattress and then, use an absorbent rug or paper towels to blot out the liquid. You will need to use a wet vacuum cleaner to remove the remaining liquid from the mattress.
Remove urine smell and stain
Hydrogen peroxide and detergent Mix five parts of hydrogen peroxide, with one part of dish washing detergent inside a spray bottle. Shake the spray bottle to mix the hydrogen peroxide and detergent thoroughly and then, spray the solution directly unto the urine stain. Let the solution stand for at least 15 minutes, before brushing the stained area. Repeat the procedure until the stain is removed and then, the mattress will no longer smell.
Rinse and dry the mattress
Rising and drying process After applying hydrogen peroxide solution and brushing the mattress, rinse it thoroughly with clean warm water. Blot the warm water off the mattress by using an absorbent rug and then, use a wet vacuum cleaner to extract the remaining liquid. You may use a hair dryer to dry off the mattress or if you have a fireplace, simply prop your mattress close to the fireplace to dry. Make sure that your mattress is completely dry before you use it.