How to design your own hat
According to Hats UK, there are three distinctive styles of hats. The first are designer hats which are hand-sewn, have designer labels, and are "not normally massed produced and have limited production runs." The second is model hats which are also hand-sewn and are "the creation of 'one off' designs." The third are factory hats which are mass produced and are available at stores. You can design your own hat; whether it is designer or not is up to you.
Choose a hat
When you create a hat, go to a charity shop and pick out one that you like - a wide-brimmed straw hat, a men's baseball hat, or any hat that you prefer. Try it on first to make sure that you like the style and that it is flattering to you. Do not worry about how it is presently decorated. Like Lydia Bennet, you will be tearing it apart to remake it according to your specifications.
Go to a floral shop, a charity shop, or any store where silk flowers might be sold. Make sure that you get a variety or flowers and colours that look well together. You can also buy wide ribbons in raffia or grosgrain or even velvet. Buy baubles if you would like as well - anything that you think would make your hat stylish.
Design your hat
Set your hat on a hat block. If you don't have one, set it on top of a lampshade or something that will hold the hat while you work on it. Tie the ribbon around the brim of the hat. Tie a bow and adjust the length of the ribbon tails. If you choose baseball hats from which to make a personalised hat, you may not need a ribbon. You can secure it with thread or hot glue. Set the flowers on the brim, arranging them as you like around the crown to get an idea of how you think they look best. When you have the arrangement you like, secure these with thread or hot glue as well. Add baubles, if you like, or a peacock feather or some other cap embroidery decoration. You may need to secure the feather with thread, if you use one.