How to download Internet Explorer for free
Internet Explorer is one of the leading web browsers available for PCs with Windows operating systems as well as for Linux and Mac. Whether you're running Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7, your PC should come with the Internet Explorer browser as standard. This article takes a look at where to download Internet Explorer to help you find the right program for your computer.
Latest updates
Internet Explorer 9 Internet Explorer 9 is the latest version of Microsoft's top browser and is available for free download for Windows 7 and Windows Vista users. You don't have to look for alternative sources as everything you need is available from the official Microsoft Download Centre at Windows Download Centre website There are four different versions of IE 9 with x86 and x64 bit versions for Windows 7 and Vista. Don't worry too much about these as all four are available from the Windows Download Centre website and the site also provides guidance to ensure that you download the right program for your system. You can find out whether your system is a x86 or x64 bit model by choosing the "Computer" icon from the start menu. This will open up the "Computer" window in Microsoft Explorer. Next, click on the System Properties tab at the top. IE 9 IE 9 is user friendly with new internet user features and updates on older ones. IE9 has a great pop-up blocker which is handy for people who are continually irritated by ads. Pop-up blockers such as the one on IE9, and on Google Chrome have revolutionised the internet browsing experience. You can upgrade to Explorer 9 and get browser updates for Internet Explorer from the Microsoft Download Centre at Simply choose your language, your system type and Microsoft will suggest the appropriate product. Then, just follow the on-screen advice.
Older versions
Internet Explorer 8 If you're still using older versions of the Windows operating system, then you'll have to stick with Internet Explorer 8. While Explorer 8 is a little more clunky than Internet Explorer 9, there are still plenty of IE updates available to improve your browsing speed. Internet Explorer 8 is enhanced with Bing search facility and can be downloaded from the Microsoft Download Centre. Internet Explorer 7 If you prefer a familiar older versions of Explorer, then updates and free downloads of IE7 are still available. Free IE Explorer Downloads of older versions of the programme can be found at, while add-ons can be downloaded from Windowsmarketplace.ocm.