How to fix your computer registry?
Is your computer too slow? Have you tried the tools for PC Diagnostics in your computer to no avail? Then the most probable solution is to fix your registry. Installing and uninstalling numerous programs is the major reason for slow computers. Here's how to fix this problem:
Use a registry cleaner
Fixing a registry manually can be a very difficult and time-consuming task even for very advanced computer users. PC registries need to be fixed regardless of this, hence the amount of software on the internet designed and written primarily to get your registry uncluttered.
These programs, usually called registry cleaners, scan your registry for errors and fix them.To fix your registry, you need to get at least one of these registry cleaners.
Free registry cleaners (Advanced System Care) has a registry cleaner that they offer for free.
Advanced System Care
This software does the job of a registry cleaner and more, which makes it one of the best registry cleaners and PC maintenance tools online. Advanced System care is easy to set up and use. After downloading it from, install it and follow the instructions to scan your registry. The program will find and fix the errors it finds in your registry and in your computer in general.
On the internet
Also, it is important to know that there are many other free programs that clean as well as fix your registry. Google search "Registry Cleaner" and you will get a lot of results. Do not download software from suspicious and fishy-looking websites. There are some websites which will try to trick you into buying their software.
Scan your registry often
Frequently scan your registry weekly
After scanning your registry and fixing the errors the first time, the errors are guaranteed to come back. This is because the software tends to be frequently installed and uninstalled. The only way to ensure your registry is always running at its optimum pace is to scan your registry weekly or bi-weekly.
Restoring changes and re-scanning
Also, if you scan your computer and notice that it gets slower instead of faster, this means your registry cleaner made a mistake somewhere. Restore the changes to the registry and scan for errors again.
These are the easiest ways of cleaning up your registry for free.