How to get a faster PC
Speed up your PC, by using these eight basic tips, all 100% free and secure. Learn fast ways to boost the performance of even the slowest machines. This article gives tips on how to speed up a PC.
There are many easy ways to speed up your PC without spending any money. Regular maintenance and the occasional piece of freeware are all that you need to keep your computer running like new.
Eight top tips
1. Disk Defragmenter
This useful facility can be found in every Windows Operating System. The Disk Defragmenter rearranges files on your hard drive to make them easier to access.
Start >All Programs>Accessories>System Tools>Disk Defragmenter
2. Delete unnecessary files
Files slow down your computer. Delete all files which you do not need, including those in temporary folders and the recycle bin. Duplicate files are the causes of slow running programs in many machines.
3. Turn off visual effects
Amend your personal settings to disable screensavers. Visual effects can be detrimental to a computer’s performance, and are mostly unnecessary. Access visual options by right-clicking on the desktop and selecting “Personalise”.
4. Remove spyware
Spyware can automatically install itself onto your machine when browsing the Internet. Along with intent to steal personal information, spyware can damage PC performance. Despite being difficult to remove, free software such as AVG can be enormously helpful. (
5. Delete Internet history
Every time you browse the Internet, a list of previously visited sites is automatically compiled. Along with the sites come cookies, which can slow down your machine if not erased. Every browser is different, but mostly, browsing history data can be found in the options menu.
6. Choose the correct browser
Browsers are optimised for specific purposes and Internet speeds. Whether you favour social networking or computer gaming, it is important to find the right browser for you. Find a list of the five leading browsers here, (Top five web browsers).
7. Install free software
Software can be downloaded directly from Microsoft to decrease loading times and increase efficiency. Add-ons and performance boosters are also available for most major browser users. However, never install any software from unknown sources, or you might run the risk of malware and spyware infecting your computer.
8. External hard drives
Use external hard drives to store files for improved processing performance. Also, the ReadyBoost feature of Windows Vista increases performance by using free space on external memory devices as a caching mechanism.