How to make your computer run faster
No-one likes a slow computer. There can be many causes behind a computer running at a snail's pace, but there are equally many fixes to ensure that there isn't a decline in computer performance.
We all hate waiting: we've become a race of beings that wants everything here and now. Technology is no exception. Waiting for a program to open or a web page to load can be quite frustrating. This can be avoided more often than not by following some basic routines and small tweaks.
Causes of a slow computer
Slow computers can be attributed to either a software or hardware problem. The former can be resolved by the user and includes deleting unused programs and cleaning the hard drive. The latter involves replacing bits of hardware to enable programs to run more efficiently. Removing spyware Spyware or malware is an unwanted piece of software that installs itself onto your system, monitors users’ activity and collects data. It typically consumes memory on the PC and also hijacks bandwidth as it sends data. The result of this is a slow PC. Luckily, there are many free anti-spyware programs out there, such as Spybot Search & Destroy, Microsoft Windows Defender, and Lavasoft’s Ad-Aware. Running any of these programs will ensure that you have a fast computer. Removing unused programs As obvious as this may seem, removing unused programs is a effective way of optimising your PC for speed. Programs may run in the background, taking up PC resources, resulting in a sluggish PC. Deleting unwanted and unused programs creates a healthier PC. Defragging Defragging a hard drive reorganises disk space and improves performance. It can improve hard drive seek time and prevent it from becoming corrupt. Running Windows’ own Disk Defragmenter program once a month should optimise your PC and ensure a healthy PC hard drive. Repair disk errors Hard drives occasionally become corrupt, partly owing to their limited life span. You can scan and repair disk errors within Windows. More information is available for all major versions of Windows from the Microsoft website. Upgrading hardware New programs tend to require more hard disk space or more memory. This is normal in a world where technological advances are being made on a daily basis, but it doesn’t mean that you should be left trailing and waiting for eternity for the latest game to load. Certain components such as memory (RAM) and hard drive are upgradable. It does require advanced PC skills but extends the life of PC. Computer optimisation An alternative to hardware upgrades is ensuring the latest drivers are installed for the PC. This allows different hardware components to run efficiently and without issues.