How to use Powerpoint?
Do you wish to effectively create and share dynamic presentations that will captivate your audience? If yes, then PowerPoint is the best tool for that purpose. Powerful presentations are one of the most helping factors behind the success of any meeting. PowerPoint presentations can also be used in many other ways. You can start using PowerPoint by following these steps.
Microsoft PowerPoint
Start Microsoft PowerPoint. The first page to be presented is called a slide. This contains a title bar (Large Box) and the subtitle bar (Smaller Box)
First slide
Type any name you wish in the Title Section. You can call it “My First Presentation”. Then in the Subtitle section, you can type your name. You have created the first slide of the presentation after doing this.
Bullet content
Choosing the “Title and Content” layout from the PowerPoint menu, insert an additional slide. For an example, type” Buy a Truck” in the “Title” section, then type “Business” and “Size” in the “Content” section.
To ensure that each topic that you create in the “content” section has a bullet point always hit the “Enter” key after typing the topic.
Add image
To make your presentation more colourful, insert a new slide using the “Title and Content” layout. Then in the “Title” section, type “Business”, click in the “Content” section then click on “Insert” and then “Clip Art”. You will be presented with the choice of many Clip Arts, double-click on any picture of money. This inserts it into the slide.
Additional layout
Create another slide with the “Comparison” layout. Then in the “Title” section, type “Size” and in the left heading title, Type “Large” while in the right heading title type “Small”. Furthermore, under each of the sections, type the key advantages of having a small car in comparison to a large car.
View the presentation
Finally click the F5 key to view the presentation you just created, which is also called a “Slide Show” by PowerPoint.
To toggle between the slides in the MS PowerPoint presentation, keep pressing the down arrow key or up arrow key until you get to the beginning or the end.
PowerPoint is a powerful presentation tool, and also very easy to learn. You can actually start making a PowerPoint presentation some few minutes after learning PowerPoint slide making basics.