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Secrets to singing Mariah Carey's "Can't Let Go"

Do you want to know the secrets to singing Mariah Carey's songs, or any song of that same nature? Almost everyone has her recordings and lyrics but why can't they all sing like that? Check out what you are missing, here.

Be emotionally prepared

Feel it when you sing Do you find yourself carried away with Mariah Carey's singing? Why does this happen? The key lies in the emotion she was feeling when she was singing it. And she certainly isn't faking it, or you wouldn't be carried away. Now there is no need to duplicate her emotion because you have your own emotion; use it. And while you can fake the way you look, you can't fake your emotion. It is real because you can feel it. So if you don't feel it, it isn't. What is emotion? Emotion is literally the combination of this phrase; energy in motion. It is also the mix of feelings you are having in the moment. What you are dominantly feeling sets the tone of your emotion. The stronger your emotion, the more powerful it is (whether you label it as positive or negative). Although this energy is invisible, it can be felt. Not only is it capable of influencing others, it is what makes things happen. You simply help it with your action. Find a matching experience If you can find an experience that matches the emotion required to sing this song well, use it to your advantage. Now you see how useful your imagination is. Besides, it is good to express yourself and in case you have any pent-up emotion due to that experience, now is a good time to release it. Do you know that singing can be healing? Now you know why.

Breathe life into the song

The easiest way to be inspired is to listen to a good singer singing "Can't Let Go". Listening to different singers expands your own prospect of singing it yourself and you can be inspired with the different styles. "Cant let go" lyrics are just that; lyrics. It is up to you to give it life. It isn't about duplicating; it is about feeling it as deeply as you can.

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