The benefits of fitting solar power panels
Solar energy is the conversion of the energy generated by the sun through the use of photovoltaic cells. Sunlight is converted into electricity to help light the home and run domestic appliances. The benefits for using solar roof panels in your home far outweigh the negatives, read the guide below to discover these benefits.
Continual fuel source
Although the initial cost of installing solar panels in your home can be quite costly, once installed the savings can be quite substantial.
As well as being cheaper to run, it is also a green energy source so, it is good for the environment too.
Continual fuel source
The renewable energy source of the sun costs nothing to produce and unlike fuels such as coal, it is in an almost unlimited supply.
While other fuels may eventually run out completely the sun will be there each day during daylight hours, even on a cloudy day.
Solar panels will continue to be powered by the sun even on cloudy days.
They do work better in direct sunlight but it is not essential.
Incentives to switch
Tax cuts and making it pay
For homes that install solar energy for their domestic electricity consumption, many local authorities offer tax cuts as an incentive to switch over.
For homes that produce more power than they require, the additional energy can be sold to the electricity companies through the national grid, creating a little extra income.
Maintenance costs
Once your home system is installed, it is virtually maintenance free.
Solar panels for homes are expected to last at least 30 years before any replacement panels will be required.
Independent lighting systems
Outdoor solar lighting has many uses with many units available in today’s market, not requiring the use of wires or other connections.
Many purpose built outdoor lights have built-in solar panels and even occasional lights such as Christmas lights are available saving on the use of outdoor extension cords to light up your festive display.
In the northern hemisphere, solar panels work best when set up to face south.
This is vice versa in the southern hemisphere.
This important consideration will further benefit your solar energy production through maximum exposure to the available sunlight.