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What is causing my pain in the breast?

Pain and discomfort in the breast can cause concern for the person experiencing these symptoms. There are a variety of reasons for a person to have breast soreness and pain, and understanding what the causes of a pain in the breast are, can help a person to know whether or not they ought to go see a doctor. In this article, you will discover what are the possible causes of a pain in the breast.

The wrong sized bra

Women who are not wearing the right sized bra can experience breast pain. In order to prevent breast pain from poor-fitting bras, a woman should only wear undergarments that both fit well and support the breasts. Ensuring that you are wearing the correct bra size can be as simple as visiting an expert fitter who helps women to find the right size. Most stores that specialise in bra sales have trained fitters to help with this process.

Nursing and breast pain

Mastitis Mostly found in women who are nursing, mastitis is an infection of the breasts that is characterised by swelling, redness and warmth. Many women who have this infection suffer from a fever. Like most infections, mastitis often leaves a mother feeling extremely tired, making it harder for her to take care of her baby properly. A woman who suspects this infection should immediately contact her doctor for an appointment and antibiotics. Sore nipples A mother who is nursing her baby may experience nipple soreness. This nipple pain can occur because of the baby's sucking and pulling of the nipple. A doctor can recommend an ointment that can help to relieve the soreness and chaffing that sometimes occurs with nursing.

Fibrocystic breasts

Breasts that are prone to cysts and lumps- fibrocystic breasts- are endured by approximately half of all women. Breast tenderness and pain is a symptom of this disorder, and it tends to cause the most discomfort right before the menstruation period begins. Treatment Treatment for this condition includes over-the-counter medication such as ibuprofen or an oral contraceptive. In some cases, a doctor will utilise fine-needle aspiration to remove fluid from the cyst in order to relieve the discomfort of the cysts. If this procedure does not work, doctors may perform surgery to remove the cyst. References: Mayo Clinic: Breast Pain -
Maidstone Breast Clinic: Breast Pain -
Breast Feeding Basics: Breast Infections and Plugged Ducts
Mayo Clinic: Mastitis -
Mayo Clinic: Fibrocystic Breasts -

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