Where to buy Windsor chairs
Handmade chairs and traditional chairs can easily bring new edge to a contemporary home or a modern interior. The ubiquitous Windsor chair is the obvious choice for bringing a traditional edge to your home through traditional furniture. Produced massively in their time, antique Windsor chairs are not so difficult to come by. They were designed to stand the test time and although some might need to be reupholstered, they are usually structurally sound. Here are some tips on where to find antique Windsor chairs.
Ebay and online marketplaces
Ebay is a hotbed for items like antique Windsor chairs, rocking chair antiques, and antique bookshelves. Anyone who is au fait with the Internet and the possibilities of buying and selling online turns to eBay when they have items that they need to get rid of and wish to sell. Trawling through online marketplaces for a Windsor armchair or similar item will also give you a good idea of the going rate for your item of choice and what you should be paying if you happen to see it elsewhere.
Bric-a-brac and charity shops
Checking out local charity shops and bric-a-brac shops can be a great way to find fantastic pieces of antique furniture and in many cases you will be rewarded with going home with a great bargain. You also run the risk of going home with armfuls of stuff that you don't really need so go in with an idea of what you are looking for and it is not chair shaped or if you don't really need it, leave it alone.
Local classifieds ads
Sites like Gumtree have a section for 'items for sale'. Often, the person selling is simply having a clear out, needs to get rid of an item and doesn't know the real value of an item like an antique Windsor chair. This means that you get a great bargain and they get the space in their home that they wanted. Most local newspapers also usually have a classifieds section in the back where sellers can list items for sale. The people who still use newspapers for selling are usually older people who are more likely to have a Windsor chair at home that they are selling.