Where to buy a pillow cover
The history of pillows dates back to Mesopotamia and to Ancient Egypt. Headrests were even found in ancient tombs. They were not, however, soft, but made of up wood that was slightly concave in the middle. It was not until Ancient Greece and Rome that softer substances were used, such as down, grasses and rushes. Read the following article to know where to buy a pillow cover for your pillow.
Big-Box Stores
A pillow cover helps to preserve the pillow and give some style to your bed. In Big-Box Stores, you will be able to find pillow covers for your pillows. These cases may be sold individually or as part of set with other bedding as well. The pillow covers will be fitted to the size of the pillow that you posses. Types of pillow cover For standard pillows, you will need a standard pillow cover. For the large pillow, such as a king-size pillow, you will need to have the king-size cover. While it is possible to use a king-size cover on a standard pillow, the reverse is not true. Pillow covers for other pillows will be there as well, such as neck pillows, nursing pillows, or even covers for pillows that are decorative.
Bedding store
Bedding stores will have a wider selection of pillow covers. Here also, you will be able to find fine cloth for the covers, such as pillow covers in silk, linen, velvet, tapestry and other fabrics as well. The covers may be part of a set or may be sold separately. You may also be able to find covers for other pillows as well, such as body pillows, long pillows or nursing cushions. If you wish to splurge, you can go to stores like Liberty of London, and buy pillow covers there.
Make a cover
If you don't like what you find at the stores, then you can make your own pillow cover. You can buy beautiful fabric from a fabric store, or even Liberty of London. Essentially, a pillow cover is a bag into which you slip your pillow. Steps - Cut out your fabric so that you have two pieces that are of the size of your pillow, with eight inches in length extra, plus 1/2 inch seam allowance all the way around. - Sew the fabric together, from right side to right side, leaving one end open. - Fold the back at an inch or two, and sew it flat. - Turn the cover to the right side out and insert your pillow.