Where to buy a refurbished Dell laptop
Buying a refurbished product is a great idea. Refurbished products are those that had a problem with it, so they have been returned to the company. Then, the company has fixed and checked everything and called the product "refurbished". In a sense, a refurbished product will have less problems than a new one because it was checked over by people already. Find out where to buy a refurbished Dell laptop now.
At a local store
You will usually not find a refurbished product at a local store. Once in a while, they may have a couple of these products, but the chances are very slim. However, there is a high chance that they might have one on their website. For example, Best Buy has a lot of refurbished product on their website, but they do not have that many in the store as people generally want a new product, when they go to a local store. If you are looking to save money for a product that is just as good as a new product, the best place to go is online.
Buying refurbished products online
As stated, you can buy HP computers, Dell laptops, etc on officially company websites. However, the best thing to do is check out these other two sites as you can save even more money by using them. The first place that you want to go to is Newegg.com. They started out as a computer company and they have ridiculous prices for their recertified laptops. You are guaranteed to find a very high quality recertified laptop on Newegg.com and the price on them will be excellent. However, they are very popular, so all the good deals fly by. Make sure that you keep an eye on them. The other place that you have to visit is Ebay.com. Moreover, Amazon.com is a great way to go, but you will save the most amount of money, if you go to Ebay.com. Since eBay has a great search option, you can narrow down your search to only Dell notebooks and find the one that you want there. You have to make sure that you use 'Buy It Now' and sort it by the minimum specification on the laptop which you require. From there, you can just have the lowest price and find the best one that meets your need.