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Where to buy a wooden clothes horse

A wooden clothes horse is a clothes drying rack made of wood, which can be folded for storage, but opens out when required. In the past, these were used extensively to dry clothes, but in modern times, they are less essential and are becoming harder to get hold of. This article looks at the various places where to buy a wooden clothes horse.

On the High Street

Wooden clothes horses are quite hard to find in regular High Street stores, but it is not completely impossible. It is definitely worth taking a look around the shops close to your home to see if you can find one.

Mail order catalogues

Catalogues like Argos and Littlewoods Gratton may have wooden clothes horses, but they are becoming less common. They are easier to find in more specialised outlets such as Lakeland, which specialise in items of all types for the home and kitchen.

Buying online

The internet has become the number one source to find items, and wooden clothes horses are easy to find there. There are a number on Amazon, and also on auction site eBay. Some of these are second-hand, but most are new items, proving that wooden clothes airer are still popular with many people. Wooden clothes horses are also available at, and There are also a number of other sites selling these useful items.

Other sources

Second-hand and charity shops Being a vintage item, you are likely to find wooden clothes horses in charity and other second-hand shops. It is even worth looking in antique shops, which often turn out to have old items of all types, even if they can hardly be classified as antiques. Car boot sales Car boot sales and garage sales are another good source of vintage items, and it is worth checking the ones in your area for folding wooden clothes horses, if you have the time. Small ads These items sometimes turn up in small ads in supermarkets or local papers. Again, it is worth taking a look, as an item which someone else is getting rid of may be just, what you want. You can even try putting in an ad yourself. Happy hunting!

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