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Where to buy resin furniture

The history of outdoor furniture dates back to as long as there were gardens. The first garden furniture consisted of stone benches as well as wooden benches. In the Victorian era, they became wrought iron, which marked a change in the attitude to spending more time outside. The first plastic outdoor chairs were invented in the 1960s. The modern resin chair is lighter and less expensive, and can be purchased nowadays at more than one location. Read the following article to know where to buy resin furniture.

Patio tables

Resin patio tables can come in various styles. The resin can be formed like rattan, giving the table a more authentic look. The tables can even be a combination of aluminium frames and glass table tops. The shapes can be round or rectangular or square. These plastic tables can also be completely moulded resin, which is finished to make it look as though it's another material altogether. The colours and the styles vary. You can buy patio table at Marks and Spenser, Garden Furniture, Swan Hattersley Co, and so on.


The resin chairs can match the style of the tables and can be made to loo as though they are covered with resin as well. They can have various styles of finishes and construction. Some of the chairs can even look like the venerable Adirondack chairs. The chairs can be fitted up with weather-resistant pads that are also available at the stores where you bought the chairs. The cushions can accomplish two things: they can add style to the chair as well as comfort to the sitter. The items are available at Garden Furniture, Marks and Spenser, Swan Hattersley Co, Argos and so on.

Occasional furniture

The resin patio furniture can come as a set or separately, which allows you to mix and to match as needed. You can also buy additional items, such as umbrella stands, small occasional tables, additional chairs, coffee tables, outdoor lounges, complete sofa sets with a hibachi table. The weave and finish of the resin furniture are remarkable and look at first glance, and perhaps at second glance as well, like the real thing. The furniture in this category can be found at Resin Weave Garden Furniture Direct, Garden Furniture, Swan Hattersley, Marks and Spenser, Argos and more.

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