Where to buy standing seam roofing
Standing seam roofing is an adjacent formation of vertically standing sheet metal roofing panels. These are secured in place by fasteners which are concealed . The panels are joined together side by side with the connecting or overlapping panel forming a seam. This acts as a connecting point between panels. This article provides relevant information on where to buy standing seam roofing.
Common uses of standing seam roofing
Standing seam roofing is commonly used in industrial, commercial, institutional and residential buildings. It is one of many types of metal roofs systems and is usually most easily recognised for roofs that have straight, vertical panels. Many types of metal can be used, steel roofs, aluminium roofs and even copper roofs are not uncommon. Indeed, many buildings that have copper roofs are usually instantly recognisable for their greenish hue which develops over time due to reaction of the metal with the elements.
Standing seam roofing in residential properties
Whilst a relatively knew phenomenon in British building practices, standing seam roofing is becoming increasingly popular in new built residential properties. Not only they give the building a more modern and contemporary appeal, but they are also known for their other benefits. These range from very long lasting protection and durability. Especially in more northern climes of the UK, they can be beneficial in helping to shed ice and snow. This not only helps to keep the roof light, but stops ice dams forming in guttering and aids in the ventilation of the roof space.
Types of standing seem roofs
There are a number of types of standing seam systems available. The most common of these is the field locked standing seam. This uses a special lock device that connects adjoining panels. Another type is known as a snap lock standing seam. This locks panels together, when one side is adjoined to the another which is next to it. Finally, there is the standing seam single based system.
Where to buy
There are a number of places online where standing seam roofing can be bought. As with anything, always compare prices with other sites before committing yourself to making a purchase as considerable savings can be made: - Keybemo.co.uk - Euroclad.com - Kalzip.com - Speeddeck.com - Jdbroofing.co.uk