A guide to online passport application
This article acts as a guide to the online passport application service in the UK. The main features of the service offered online is discussed here.The current pricing structure and who can use the service are outlined, and the process of logging an application, the time scales for waiting are also noted. The handling of your sensitive data in accordance with the Data Protection Act is mentioned as well.
An introduction to the IPS online service in the UK
The online passport application service is run by the Home Office’s Identity and Passport Service in the UK. Applicants can complete an online application form on the “Secure” website .The website address is Passports.ips.gov.uk. An application form is completed online, and once submitted, the information will be printed on a paper form, which will be forwarded to the applicant to sign. A date and a request for the current photograph will be made, before it is returned for processing to the IPS. The IPS The IPS aims to send out the pre-printed application form within 48 hours of receiving the online application, if received by “midnight on any working day”. One can start an application online, and save it to return and complete it later on. The information is saved for 72 hours, and one can follow the “Retrieve” link on the website to access the application. In accordance with the Data Protection Act of 1998, the application's information is retained for 28 days, and then destroyed.
Enquiries and specific conditions of use of the online service.
Enquiries about the dispatch of the printed application form has to be dealt with within the 28-day period set. Special notices are displayed on the website during times of “high demand “for the service. As a consequence, the dispatch of the printed form from IPS may take a week in length to reach the applicant. The passport online application service is not suitable if you are travelling in the next four weeks. If you are travelling within two weeks, you are advised to go “in person to your nearest passport office” . Passport advice line There is a dedicated passport advice line which you call, if you have any enquiry regarding the passport application process. They can be contacted on 0300 222 0000 from the UK .The online passport application service run by the IPS can only be used by the “British nationals “ currently in the UK .The passport will then be sent to an address within the UK. Fees There is also a fee for the passport application. The current fees are £77.50 for an adult passport and £49.00 for a child. This information was printed directly on the Passport.ips.gov.uk website on the 29.07.11, and is accurate. IPS online is an efficient service one should consider using.