All about: The British Army website
The British Army website ( is a simple, straightforward website which provides all the information needed for anyone who wants to join the army or who wants to know more about the armed forces. This article will outline the facilities available on the website and evaluate their usefulness to potential recruits as well as anybody else wanting to glean information about the British Army.
The layout and design
Layout The layout of the British Army website is as simple and easy to navigate as you would expect. It contains a menu running across the top which spells out clearly what each section describes. The website utilises a large image on the home page, which is followed by a 'News and Features' section, a 'Spotlight On' section and even recommends further reading. Design It would be unusual if the British Army advertised itself in the colours of a Christmas tree. Instead, it relies on the subtle brown colours found in camouflage uniform, with a dash of red in various places to provide some vibrancy. Overall, however, the website is as admirably unfussy as the British Army itself.
The content
Home page The front page for the British Army website is uncomplicated in that it details the exact pages of which the website is made up. It outlines the British Army structure. For instance, other links look at operations and deployments, training, education and equipment. Provision is also made for news and press, events, activities and leisure, and a page about joining the army, as well as more on welfare and support. Rest of the website If you click on any of the main menu buttons, such as British Army Structure, you will go through to a web page which provides all the detail that you will need on this section. A menu on the left-hand side, for instance, provides links to Higher Command, Divisions and Brigades, and Corps and Regiments, among others. Modern extras Interestingly, the army has demonstrated the importance of keeping the youth involved. There is provision, for instance, for readers to bookmark each page by using Delicious, Digg, Reddit and of course, Facebook, and even to rate the content. In the event that the website contains insufficient information for the viewer, there is a downloadable PDF that contains added information, and which means that the website fulfils more than its purpose.