Beginner's yoga routines
Yoga is a very popular sport which many people take up. However, it can be very tough to perform the advanced yoga moves. This article details a couple of good routines for those who are looking to start practising yoga.
The Padma Asana
Steps First of all, sit on your yoga mat or a carpet and spread both legs forward. Bend the right knee at knee joint. Hold the right foot with both hands (hold ankle of right leg with right hand and catch the toes of right leg with the left hand). Lift the right foot upwards and place it on the right thigh, so that your right heel is as close as possible to your navel. Now bend the knee of the left leg. Hold the left foot with both hands (hold ankle of left leg with left hand and catch the toes of left leg with the right hand. Lift left foot and fix the left heel at the base of right thigh. Both knees should be on the ground and the soles of the feet should point upward. The position of the legs may be switched after a period of time if the posture becomes uncomfortable. Precautions Make sure you keep your neck and back straight and keep your eyes closed and keep both the hands on your knees. This should become easier the more you practise it.
Vajra Asana
Steps This yoga pose is easy enough to follow. Bend the legs backwards and sit with the help of your knees. Stretch the legs towards the back and both toes should touch each other. Keep the heels apart and let buttocks rest on heels or let them lie in between the heels. The waist neck and spine should be in a straight line. Rest both your hands on the knees and keep the elbows straight whilst looking towards the front and try to breathe normally. Initially, do this Astana for 15 to 30 seconds and then, subsequently try to increase the duration from 3 to 5 minutes. The more you work on this routine the longer you should be able to hold the pose for.