How to hula hoop
Grabbing a hula hoop and joining your children for some fun in the garden is not just good fun, but is a great way to exercise and lose a few pounds too. However, getting to grip with the hula hoop may take a little bit of practice on your part. This article shows you how to hula hoop.
Get to it!
Hula hooping will strengthen your abdominal muscles and give you a great overall cardiovascular workout. If you want to master the art, then you have to begin with a waist curl, which means putting the hula hoop around your waist with your feet slightly apart. To start hula hoop - You have to put one foot slightly in front of the other as this will give you better balance. - Then, you need to set the hoop in motion by turning it with your hands – as fast as you can to set it spinning around your midriff. -You are required to rock your waist back and forth to keep the hoop spinning. What you are looking for is perpetual motion which is the only way to keep the hoop spinning.
Expert moves
Once you have practised sufficiently and feel that you have become a competent hula-hooper, you can try to make it a little harder for yourself. It is always a good idea to keep challenging yourself, so that you don’t get bored.
Hula hooping around the knees
One of the hardest techniques in hula hooping is to do it around the knees.
- Start by placing the hoop around your knees.
- Keep your legs completely straight.
- Then, spin the hoop and move your knees back and forth in order that they sustain the rotation of the hoop.
- Make sure that your arms are outstretched for a bit of balance.
Hula hooping with two hoops
If you want to take it up a notch, you can then attempt to hula hoop with two hoops around your waist. It is much more difficult to keep two hoops moving than one. Such a move requires tremendous concentration and effort, but it is a fabulous exercise.
Final word
When mastered, hula-hooping is quite eye-catching for observers and it will give you a chance to show off in front of family and friends