Charter Internet: The facts
Charter is a company that provides phone, television and internet services to the United States. People who live in America and who are looking for a new internet provider should consider going to Charter. This company is well-respected and has many customers that are happy with the services it provides them.
The basics of the Charter internet plan
How Charter charges for its internet plans
Charter charges users based on the speed of their internet connection. Simply put, those who want faster internet will have to pay more for their connection.
A guide to Charter internet plans
The cheapest solution provided by Charter is the lite plan. The lite plan gives the user a fast connection that is useful for surfing the web, e-mailing and instant messaging. Users who want to watch videos online may want to opt for an express plan. The express solution is faster than DSL and allows the user to watch You Tube videos quickly. This option can also download music within a few seconds.
Plans designed for heavy internet users
Charter also sells plus, max and ultra 60 plans. These plans let users download movies within a matter of minutes, play multi-player games and upload or download files with no lags.
Other features and extras provided by Charter
Charter customers are able to use additional extras that the company offers their customers. These include a security suite that will protect the computer against viruses. This is also an excellent tool parents can use to restrict the content their children are exposed to. Users will also get access to Charter email, Wi-Fi and a number of other services.
The benefits of Charter internet
The biggest benefit of choosing Charter internet services over other providers is that the company is well-known and respected. As Charter is such a big company, they are able to service their customer's needs much better than a smaller ISP could. How to get an account with Charter People who want to set up an account with Charter can do so by e-mailing them, making a phone call or making an appointment to see somebody face to face. Once an account has been set up, users can make payments and deal with other administration issues on the internet.