How to create a website for free
When it comes to designing your own website, you need to figure out whether you need help with the basics or whether you have enough knowledge to do everything from scratch. It is possible to build your own web site through Microsoft Notepad or another form of text editor, depending upon your operating system. However, you're best using some software to make it easier to make any changes.
Software versus content management systems
There are advantages and disadvantages to using both when it comes to creating and then building a site. However, whichever you opt for, they are better than doing everything from scratch since you can easily see what your page will look like and be able to maintain your site easily.
Do your homework
You need to look into all of the different types of programs available to make and build your own web page. Some of the programs will cost to download but there will be trial versions for free. Try them all out and spend some time working out which is the best for you.
Have a design in mind
You'll need to know what you want your website to look like. If you're looking to create your own business site, you'll want it to look professional but if it's a personal site, you can get away with adding colors and textures that you wouldn't consider for a business. Spend some time playing around with different templates and themes available to see which is able to offer you the best option.
Host your website
Of course, learning how to design your own website for free isn't everything. You also need to consider online web hosting. This is required if you want others to be able to see your website. You'll need to find a web hosting site that can work with the software that you are considering using; find this out before you start designing to save any heartache or ill-feelings. Don't forget about the marketing Marketing, and using SEO, is very important when you set-up a website, and look into web page hosting. You'll need to spend some time learning this because it's the only way people will be able to find your website. Traffic is important to earn any type of income, so make it easy for that traffic to be directed to your site.