How to make a website for free
Setting up a web page can be a long and tedious task. When you make your own web site it can also be costly. Fortunately there are a number of sites that offer page hosting which means you can build a site for free. So, how to set up a website?
When you do your own website online, there are many different homestead sites (sites that offer web free hosting) and depending what format you want it in, some are better than others. Homestead sites For example, if you want to set up a blog rather than make your own site, then there are site such as (provided by Google) and Making your own website on these sites is easy, provided you already have an email address set up so that you can receive information from the websites hosting your blog. You simply visit the homestead website homepage and sign up to the site then, a few minutes and forms later, you are ready to build your own website. Online guides and templates Then, there are many guides available when creating one's own website, particularly when you design own website. There are many templates to choose from on these sites but there is plenty of room for custom made sites. When you make your own homepage, you can make it as personalised as you want.
General websites
However, if you don’t want to be a blogger and simply want a free portal for your business or yourself online, there is another question: How to get your own website without having to buy a web page?
Host websites
There are plenty of websites that offer hosting space for individual or business web pages. Just type into a search engine “webspace hosting” or “web page hosting” and you will find a web hosting site that offers online web hosting that suits your needs.
When starting your own website on hosting web space, the process is the same as making your own web page on a blog site. The only difference is that you get more design options and obviously your site won’t be designed to just have blogs on it as content.
The site will be completely yours to create and customise, all for free.