Top five funniest kitties on the web
There are indeed a number of sites, which have funny kitten photos and games for you to look at online. This article highlights the top five funniest kitties on the internet, so you can send funny felines to your friends and brighten up their day!
Counting down
5. Melanie and Ralphie at One of the best websites for kitten pics has to be I Can Has Cheezburger ( It has a fabulous Lol Cats section, with funny cat humour, guaranteed to have you in stitches. Number five, on the list of hilarious kitten images is the picture, in which "Melanie finds out the hard way that Ralphie has a tremendous right hook." 4. Kia Picanto Advert ( The Kia Picanto Advert features an amusingly cute cat, which completes gargantuan feats, in order to pursue a Kia Picanto car as it drives down the street. This funny little clip is not only one of the funniest on the Internet kitty canon, but catapults the star of the ad to media fame. To see for yourself, you cann check out the advert, which is available to view on 3. Marmalade cat on a bicycle ( In at number three, is the chubby marmalade cat on a bike at This great site has daily installments of pictures of kittens and cats, to make you chuckle. The marmalade cat makes it into the list of the top five funniest cats on the Internet, because its be-mused expression just makes you laugh a little bit more.
The top two
2. Scottish Fold kitten playing a video game ( Just missing out on the top spot is the Scottish Fold playing on a Nintendo DS, which can be found on This is definitely one of the funniest images of cats on the Internet. These cute kittens have the breeds characteristic squashed ears, which automatically make it a favourite on funny kitty websites. 1. Favourite Teddy Bear ( Finally, at number one, there is the "Favourite Teddy Bear" at, showing a sleeping kitten cuddling a bear. This silly baby cat is the cutest cat photo out there, earning it pride of place at number one of the top five funniest cats on the Internet.