What is the Student Assistance Foundation?
This article is a guide to the Student Assistance Foundation and will help you to understand what it is that they do, how they can help you, and how you can get in contact with them.
What is the SAF?
Non-profit organisation
The Student Assistance Foundation is a non-profit organisation that helps students with post-secondary education. They are based in Helena, Montana. The company provides general help and advice and also provides information about loans from the Montana Higher Education Student Assistance Corporation and from other organisations that class as 'out of state lenders'.
Friendly & supportive approach
The Student Assistance Foundation exhibits a friendly and supportive approach to helping students across Montana. Aside from the many activities that they conduct both on and off campus, they are a useful advice line and guidance resource for anyone considering post-secondary education in the state. The website has many resources which are useful for finding out about loans and other advice areas.
What can they help with?
The SAF mission statement indicates the areas in which they help people: "Student Assistance Foundation's mission is to provide students and families with the knowledge and tools to pursue and fund their postsecondary education. SAF uses proceeds from its student loan servicing business to offer a range of programs that include grants, community outreach, counseling and training on education finance planning."
SAF has provided millions of dollars worth of help and assistance to Montana students in the form of grants, community and campus outreach, college goal programs, college preparation camps and foster care and education vouchers.
More information is available on their website at Safmt.org
How to get in touch?
The Student Assistance Foundation give the following information about how to contact them (available on the SAF website):
Borrower Questions Phone Number:
(800) 852-2761 ext. 6657
Mailing and Physical Address:
Student Assistance Foundation
2500 Broadway
Helena, MT
Hours of Operation Business Office Hours:
Monday through Friday - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mountain Time
Call Center:
Monday through Friday - 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mountain Time, Saturday - 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mountain Time
General Questions Phone Number:
(406) 495-7800
College Access Hotline Phone Number:
(877) COLG4ME (265-4463)
Media Inquiries:
Carolynn Bright
Media Relations Coordinator
(406) 495-7506
Email: cbright@safmt.org