Where to buy fish tank accessories
Fish tanks are becoming a great focal piece for any room. They do not only offer entertainment, but also bring movement to the décor. However, in order to keep the tanks in a great looking condition, accessories are needed. The following article will look at where to buy these necessities.
Essential accessories
With the growing popularity of biOrb tanks and other designer style aquariums, the need for algae scrapers and heater lights is becoming less frequent due to the technologically-advanced filtration systems that these tanks now come with. However, some accessories are still needed for the general day-to-day upkeep of any fish tank. Listed below are some of the essential accessories that you need.
- Nets are always handy to fish unwanted bits out of the bowl.
- A spare light, as even biOrb lights need replacing from time to time.
- Fish supplies, such as food, water treatment sets and gravel.
- Generally, some fish décor always adds a bit of a custom feel, and offers the fish something to explore and to hide in.
Where to purchase
High Street stores Up and down the country, every independent pet store will carry aquatic equipment, as fish are one of the most popular pets to keep, with their ease of care. The shops are more likely than anything else to carry fish products. Viscum Specific fish stores can also be found around the UK. Stores like Viscum situated in South Yorkshire. It is one of the many aquatics centres that specialises in fishkeeping. Pets At Home The High Street pet store Pets At Home carries a large range of accessories from tank ornaments to fish food and water treatment chemicals. The Range Home leisure and garden shops like The Range have stores dotted mainly around the middle and south of the UK with a plentiful stock of fish lights, food, starter tanks and filters. Online There is a number of online stores that offers a great deal on aquatic supplies, including: - Seapets.co.uk offers free delivery on all order over £29. - Aquariumsdelivered.co.uk specialise in tropical, cold water and marine tank equipment. They also have starter kits available at competitive prices. - Completeaquatics.co.uk offers both aquarium and pond equipment. The online store was also recently rewarded for being at the top 20 aquatic shops in the UK. - Petplanet.co.uk stocks a wide range of designer fish tanks and accessories, offering a guarantee for the cheapest prices and a rapid UK delivery service.