Where to study for UK psychology degrees
When it comes to studying for a UK degree, there are a few options that are available. You can do it part-time, full-time or online. Studying psychology is no different. Here are just a few options, whether you want to study basic psychology or specialise in certain areas.
Studying psychology full-time
Most degree courses are done through full-time studying and there are are many universities that offer psychology. Most universities offer some type of psychology degree, whether it is a full psychology course or one in child psychology. You can also take psychology with other subjects as a joint honours. Psychology works well with criminology or sociology. The top five universities for full-time study With so many institutions offering full-time courses in psychology, it is important to find the top five. If you consider the league tables, the best places to start your study are Oxford, Cambridge, Bristol University, St. Andrews University and the University College London.
Studying part-time
Fewer institutions offer part-time courses, but there are a few available. Part-time studying is perfect for those who have to work while they learn and those with children. However, you will need to attend the university - whether for one or four days a week - so you will need a job with flexible hours and to think about childcare. Where to study part-time If you want to study in England, you could consider going to the University of Derby. This institution is in the middle of the country and has excellent links to cities all over since it is so close to the A1 and M1. However, many people are looking at studying in Scotland, especially for the lower tuition fees. Just one option for part-time study is Glasgow Caledonian University, which offers an excellent psychology programme.
Stay at home and study online
For those that need to study around their current job or can't afford childcare, an online degree is a better option. The benefit is that you can study when you want and take longer to finish the course. There are a variety of degrees that you can do at home and psychology is just one of them. Where to study for online courses The Open University is one of the most popular options when it comes to studying online. So, many people have opted for it has built an excellent reputation for courses - whether you want full degrees or just touch up a current one. You could also consider ICS, which offers some excellent programmes for full psychology and child psychology.