Category "Arts & Crafts"
Making a scrapbook is a great way to save all your favourite pictures, notes, and recipes. a scrapbook also would be a great gift, especially on mother’s day where you can write all your wishes and present them in an organised and beautiful way. however it is easier to create one on the computer.
Bandage scissors are angled-tip scissors with a blunt tip on the bottom blade which helps in cutting bandages without gouging the skin. bandage scissors come in a few different varieties. this article looks at bandage scissors more closely.
A light box is used to highlight details of the objects in the most pleasing manner. in other words, it can be said that it is a small enclosure having translucent walls. it is commonly used for showing details of small objects and act as vital tool for pro studio photographers. making a light box is an easy and cost-effective process.
Tired of the toys around you and want to play with something different and more interesting? then try to build your own boomerang. use the hints and tips in this article in order to craft a boomerang that actually will come back to you after throwing.
All you need is a bit of creativity and some equipment (a lego kit with lego manuals) to create a lego car for yourself or your loved ones. this article will teach you in some simple steps, how to build your own lego car at home.
Invitations are easy to make at home. personalised invitations are great for people to receive and can really brighten up someone's day. this article has a look at how to make your own invitations for a special event.
The birth of a new baby is a wonderful occasion. many proud parents are excited to announce the new addition to their family and friends with a birth announcement. you could buy announcements but making your own birth photo cards is less expensive and give that personal touch.
A scrapbook can be a fun thing to make with your children or it can be a great way to make some personal memories with your photos. there are a few supplies that you will need to buy from the art store, such as paper and card and other supplies like craft stamps. here is a guide to making the book.
Sylglas original waterproofing tape is an excellent method for sealing and preventing corrosion to outdoor metal pipes. while there are many benefits to using this tape, there are also several limitations. overall, it is a good product that gets the job done in the garden, around the house and even in automobiles.
Origami animals can be a good for decorating your home or for enhancing your art or science project. horses are fascinating animals that are attractive and well as fun. this article will provide you with step by step instructions to make a perfect origami horse.
The idea of owning your own robot used to only be available to dreamers, science fiction authors and engineers at large industrial plants. thanks to recent advances in hobby electronics and microprocessor technology, building your own robot is now not only much cheaper but also requires much less technical knowledge.this article will look at how you can create a robot in your own home.
Ever thought of playing drum and then backed at the end moment thinking it was very costly. this article can teach you how to make your own drum at home. following certain simple steps mentioned in the article can present you with a drum which is all yours, in every sense. let's make beat!
As children, we have all loved to make airplanes out of paper and watch them fly. however, more often than not, these planes remain air-bound for not more than a few seconds, causing much disappointment to little hearts. read on, and you will get to learn how to build this perfect origami airplane, which will truly soar!
‘money tree’ does exist but not that of your dream world, but instead you will have to put in a bit of your artistic touch to create one. in this article, you will learn one of the easiest and simplest ways of making a money tree.
Beading jewellery is fun and a great way to craft cheap jewellery for yourself, your family and your friends. once you have mastered the basics of jewellery beading, you will be able to make single pieces, or make your own necklace, bracelet and earring sets. learn to make simple, yet elegant beaded jewellery to give as gift or sell for profit.