Category "Literature"
The penguin group are well-known book publishers of fiction and non-fiction, which caters for both adults and children. since its founding in 1935, it has gone on to be one of the most well-known names in the publishing world. penguin now has offices in countries including: the uk, the us, australia, new zealand and south africa.
Atlas shrugged is a political novel, which describes dagny taggart's attempts to find out who is john galt. the latter turns out to be an anti-collectivist engineer who has organised a strike of the world's creative people in protest against collectivism. galt represents all that is best in the individual, but the novel moves quite slowly and has an unrealistic plot. read on.
A review of beg, borrow, steal: a writer's life, by michael greenberg
Beg, borrow, steal deals with new york journalist michael greenberg's moving and humorous account of his attempts to make a living out of writing. taking its title from one of ray lamontagne's songs, greenberg writes a vivid and lively account of a struggling writer, forced to take a number of humdrum jobs (or "dead end jobs with no skills" as greenberg describes them), and writing about subjects he knows nothing about in order just to survive.
This article explains the function of a commissioner of oaths and compares that office to one of a notary. oaths are also explained.
Comic book publishers are responsible for printing some of the world’s best-known and independent comic titles. a list of publishing companies is available online, for example, conventions and comic book associations. individuals interested in getting their graphic novel or manga comic published, should do the research, create lots of sketches and be open to feedback. this article provides you with a guide to comic book publishers.
If you are one of the many people who enjoyed chris cleave's first book, 'incendiary', you will be pleased to hear that its follow up 'the other hand', is no less compelling. part-thriller and part-multicultural saga, cleave's latest offering deals with some of the most pertinent topics in the current globalised climate. here is a brief review of this excellent novel.
A review of feeling good: the new mood therapy by david d. burns, m.d
In feeling good, dr. david d. burns, puts forth key tips to healing yourself from anxiety, fear, depression, moods and harsh self-criticism with cognitive therapy. this theory although new, has some similarities to the theory from french psychologist, emil coue (1857-1926) who had his patients proclaiming "everyday i'm getting better and better".
Published in 2002, 'what should i do with my life?' by american author and journalist po bronson was on the new york times bestseller list for 22 weeks. the book is a collection of interviews with over 50 people, who have dared to ask themselves the question and it chronicles their stories as they search for the answer.
Harvard business review is well known in the business world among managers. the review presents business management case studies, books written by prominent and experienced business people and general topics of interest. the hbr has become a household name among upper management and is often a must-read for those managers of international companies who desire to move upward.
"top billing" magazine is a magazine version of the popular south african lifestyle show of the same name. it features articles on fashion, celebrities, interior design, food and travel. the magazine also features local and international entertainment news. a diverse range of topics and choice of articles ensure that "top billing" magazine caters for a vast reader audience.
The revised standard version of the bible is a translation of the king james version produced in the united states which spread to other countries and is now in some form shared between several mainstream christian denominations. the text has undergone some revisions, notably the inclusion of apocrypha, but there has been criticism of some of the translation.
Zondervan publishing house has been established since the 1930s and is now part of harper collins. it is an exclusively religious publisher within the evangelical tradition, producing bibles, commentaries, academic and devotional books. its christian book publishing activities have led it into videos, software, e-books and also a range of books in spanish.
The choice is a romantic fiction novel published in 2010. it was written by the best-selling british author susan lewis, and tells the tale of a passionate new mother, nikki grant, and the difficult choices that she must make to protect her new baby and secure a future for herself.
The collins new naturalist series of books is the oldest and one of the most influential natural history series in the world. concentrating on the nature of the british isles, over 100 volumes have been published in more than 60 years. the books are renowned for their excellent research, writing and beautifully-illustrated covers. they are also considered highly collectable.
The money tree myth is an ancient chinese legend that a money tree can bring good fortune and prosperity to people. believed to date back to the han dynasty period in chinese history (roughly 200bce to 200 ce), there are also pagan traditions of tree worship dating back much further than that. made of metal, money trees have been discovered in western china in sichuan province and neighbouring areas. interesting folk stories add to their enigma.