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Category "Literature"
Where to buy Sci-Fi books

Where to buy sci-fi books

Some science fiction literature explores such issues as the planet's future, humankind, life on other planets and alien species. within these characteristics, almost all science fiction stories contain an underlying message or commentary about certain states of humanity or the planet and the fate of both. read on to find out where to buy classic and new sci-fi and fantasy novels as well as books.
Where to find Chinese symbols for words

Where to find chinese symbols for words

Chinese symbols and meanings have always held a sense of power for people. something in the delicate design of the letters and words appeals to very different cultures. finding the right words can be difficult, this article will look at sources that people can trust to get the correct chinese text and signs that they are looking for.
Where to find a free Latin to English translation tool

Where to find a free latin to english translation tool

Translating from latin verbs and phrases to english can be a confusing and difficult process. there are tools online that can assist with this process. this article will look at three examples of these services and how they can assist you with any latin to english that you need to translate, or if you want to translate from english to latin.
Where to buy study bibles

Where to buy study bibles

Study bibles usually contain both the old and new testaments, as well as detailed analysis and in-depth notes on the biblical text, it's history and cultural setting. study bibles, also called reference bibles, may help the reader to get a broader understanding of the bible. this article looks at the different options for those wishing to purchase a study bible.
A biography of Arnold Bennett (1867-1931)

A biography of arnold bennett (1867-1931)

Arnold bennett was a great british novelist. with more than 70 works to his name, bennett became famous across the world. his legacy lives on today through his writings and is kept alive through the reading of his works. an omelette recipe by arnold bennett is included in this article.
How to communicate with your member of parliament

How to communicate with your member of parliament

Communicating with members of parliament is quite easy, as you can write to them or meet them face to face. mps receive many letters at the house of commons and make an effort to answer them all. they also hold special surgeries in their constituencies, which you can visit.
A book review of "Now, Discover Your Strengths" by Marcus Buckingham

A book review of "now, discover your strengths" by marcus buckingham

Marcus buckingham is a best-selling author and a management consultant. he has brought about a revolution in personal and management thinking with his book, ‘now, discover your strengths.’ “invest in your natural strengths,” he says, instead of trying to improve your weak traits. he found that people unnecessarily focus on weaknesses. this brought in the new thinking paradigm which concentrates on strengths.
A review of Anne Rice's 'Vampire Chronicles'

A review of anne rice's 'vampire chronicles'

Anne rice is the benchmark for vampire novels. this is evident from the entertainment weekly's statement that stephenie meyer is, ‘the world’s most popular vampire novelist since anne rice.’ of course, stephenie meyer was only three years old when rice published her first vampire novel in 1976: 'interview with the vampire'. rice has called the twilight story "silly".
A review of 'Divorce For Dummies' by E. Walsh

A review of 'divorce for dummies' by e. walsh

Divorce for dummies is a convenient guide book for anyone seeking a divorce. no one contemplates such a situation while getting married. therefore, separated couples suddenly find themselves in a confused state in which they do not know what to do in order to seek a divorce. 'divorce for dummies' is a great diy step-by-step handbook for such an eventuality.
All about: Black Expressions Book Club

All about: black expressions book club

Black expressions book club is an online book club which specialises in books that are written for and written by african americans. as well as reviewing books from their club, they also sell them to their members on their recommendations and keep members up to fate with all of the latest top releases. read this article which provides you with more information about black expressions book club.
A review of Popular Hot Rodding

A review of popular hot rodding

Are dragsters and muscle cars your thing? perhaps you have been thinking about customising that clapped-out old ford that has been sitting in the garage for years. or simply, maybe you just enjoy the show. whatever your motivation, the best way to learn all about this exciting past-time is by picking up one of the many magazines on the subject. one such example is popular hot rodding magazine. this article is going to take a brief look at this publication.
The history of the NY Times bestseller list

The history of the ny times bestseller list

The new york times bestseller list was begun in 1942. it is based on the fact that bestseller books are news because they are integral to retail economics. this list has influenced the publishing industry in several ways, not always positively, and not without criticism.
A guide to Finnish to English translation services

A guide to finnish to english translation services

If you are looking to translate documents from english to finnish, there are three basic options available: free online translation sites, paid software and professional translation services. this article explores each option and looks at how to get the most out of whichever you choose.