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Technology and Science: Innovations, Gadgets, and Discoveries

Stay up to date with the latest technological advancements, must-have gadgets, and scientific discoveries that transform our daily lives.

Google Chrome OS Review

Google Chrome OS Review

Mobile broadband and good Wi-fi is available in most urban areas. We're connected to the Internet like never before. Google Chrome OS with cloud storage and apps can deliver what netbooks promised, computing on-the-go. With powerful processors, long-lasting batteries and portable devices, you can enjoy the true power of computing no matter wherever
Gagner au jeu de l’Amour avec les Algo Mathématiques

Gagner au jeu de l’Amour avec les Algo Mathématiques

Trouver l’amour grâce aux algorithmes mathématiques ! Voilà ce que peuvent espérer beaucoup de célibataires aui s’inscrivent sur Meetic, Tinder et autres. Chaque site a sa recette secrète avec des algos de calculs de « compatibilité » ou autres, des formules magiques qui prédiraient une grande ou petite histoire avec votre potentielle
Benelli M4 Fusil De Combat

Benelli M4 Fusil De Combat

Le Benelli M4 Super 90 (M1014) est un fusil de chasse semi-automatique italien fabriqué par Benelli Armi SpA. Le 4 mai 1998, le centre de recherche, de développement et d'ingénierie de l'armement de l'armée américaine (ARDEC) à Picatinny Arsenal, dans le New Jersey, a lancé le message d'appel d'offres n ° DAAE30-98-R-0401, demandant des sou
Missile air-air MICA

Missile air-air MICA

Le MBDA MICA (système d’interception, de combat et d’autodéfense) est un système de missiles anti-aériens multi-cibles, tous temps, incendie et oublie, de courte et moyenne portée. Il existe deux variantes de MICA; Le MICA RF possède un chercheur de référence radar actif (également connu sous le nom de MICA EM) et le MICA IR possède u
Système de commandement de combat intégré (IBCS) de défense aérienne et antimissile

Système de commandement de combat intégré (IBCS) de défense aérienne et antimissile

L’équipe de l’Armée américaine et de Northrop Grumman continue de montrer en quoi le Système intégré de commandement de la défense antiaérienne et antimissile (IBCS) est un système de systèmes révolutionnaires de défense antiaérienne et antimissile. Lors de son premier test en vol, un missile balistique a été détruit à l'aide d
Trump veut se retirer du traité nucléaire avec la Russie

Trump veut se retirer du traité nucléaire avec la Russie

Le président américain Donald Trump a déclaré dimanche qu'il souhaitait se retirer du traité historique sur les forces nucléaires à portée intermédiaire, car la Russie avait violé l'accord. Le président russe, Vladimir Poutine, a déclaré que l'abandon du traité serait «une étape très dangereuse. Trump affirme que la Russie a violé
Trophee VPS sur la coque du Bradley IFV

Trophee VPS sur la coque du Bradley IFV

Trophée VPS sur la coque du Bradley IFVLa compagnie israélienne a déjà été choisie pour organiser le trophée sur quatre groupes de chars Abrams appartenant à la brigade, et l’armée américaine continue à analyser une version plus légère du système pour le véhicule de combat Bradley et Stryker. Dans ce contexte, le service qualifiera
Northrop Grumman’s Lethality Enhanced Ordnance (LEO)

Northrop Grumman’s Lethality Enhanced Ordnance (LEO)

Northrop Grumman a mis au point la technologie Lethality Enhanced Ordnance (LEO) en réponse à l’obligation du Département de la défense (DoD) 2019 selon laquelle les armes à sous-munitions contenant des sous-munitions ne produisent pas plus de 1% de munitions non explosées après armement. Les solutions LEO ne contiennent pas de sous-muniti
Système de défense aérienne à courte portée Crotale NG

Système de défense aérienne à courte portée Crotale NG

Système de défense aérienne à courte portée Crotale NGLe Crotale NG est une version modernisée du système de missiles Crotale EDIR (Ecartométrie Différente InfraRouge, Ecartométrie Différentielle InfraRed), conçue par Thales Air Defence (ex-Thomson-CSF Airsys), basée à Bagneux en France. Ce lanceur de missiles «tout en un» a été c
La Thaïlande intéressée par le transport de troupes blindé BTR-4MV1 ukrainien

La Thaïlande intéressée par le transport de troupes blindé BTR-4MV1 ukrainien

La Thaïlande intéressée par le transport de troupes blindé BTR-4MV1 ukrainienLe Royal Thai Marine Corps (RTMC) est intéressé à se procurer la dernière version du transport de troupes blindé amphibie 8 × 8 BTR-4MV1 d'Ukraine, a annoncé une agence de l'État du pays de l'Europe de l'Est. Les négociations avec le vice-amiral Sangkorn Pongs
Content on demand : High-tech
How to buy a new car

How to buy a new car

Buying a new car is a process that has no use for hastiness. First, consider all the costs that are involved to get an accurate picture of what you are purchasing. You may want to shop and compare for the best deals. Additionally, there are other considerations that will influence your choice of car. Read on to find out.
Where to buy a Sony camcorder bag

Where to buy a Sony camcorder bag

Do you own a Sony camcorder? Are you wondering where you can find a bag for your favourite Sony camcorder? In that case, you don’t have to spend your time searching, visiting Sony retailers and browsing through hundreds of magazines and websites. Read the following article and find out all the interesting facts that you should know about buying Sony camcorder bags.
A review of Mercedes Direct

A review of Mercedes Direct

The Mercedes Benz, a touch of elegance with its sleek look and finishes is now affordable, as the manufacturer has approved used Mercedes Benz cars direct from various dealer stores. Associated with luxury, a concept that most people may find hard to identify with, due to high price in owning new Mercedes car, many have resulted into buying used Benz as an alternative of having that car they love most. This article provides you with a review of Mercedes Direct.
What is an element?

What is an element?

A guide to buying a Citroen Dispatch van

A guide to buying a Citroen Dispatch van

Are you interested in buying a Citroen Dispatch van? Are you wondering where you can buy the ideal new or used Citroen Dispatch van? In that case, you don’t have to spend your time searching, visiting retail stores and browsing through hundreds of websites. Just read the following article and find out all that you need to know about buying Citroen Dispatch vans.
How to access a UK proxy server from outside the UK

How to access a UK proxy server from outside the UK

Do you want to find out how you can access a UK proxy server from outside the UK? Sometimes, it is necessary to use a webproxy in order to access certain websites because certain websites only allow IP addresses which come from a certain country. Find out on how you can access a UK proxy server from outside the country!
How to forward computer ports

How to forward computer ports

Port forwarding offers the convenience of allowing remote computers access to specific ports within a local area network (LAN).
Where to buy Toshiba remote controls

Where to buy Toshiba remote controls

Do you own a Toshiba appliance? Are you wondering where you can find a remote control for your Toshiba appliance? If that is the case, you don’t have to spend your time visiting Toshiba retailers and browsing through hundreds of magazines and websites. Read the following article and find out all the interesting facts that you need to know about buying Toshiba remote controls.
What is an auto rotisserie?

What is an auto rotisserie?

When you think of rotisserie, you are probably like most people who think of rotisserie chicken or the culinary equipment used to cook chicken or meat while twirling it. However, an auto rotisserie or a car rotisserie, is a different kind of twirler. Instead of cooking chicken, they are heavy duty rotisserie used to twirl vehicles over while they are being worked on. Learn more on auto rotisserie in this article.
How to use a phone number look-up service

How to use a phone number look-up service

You do not need to pay to look-up for phone numbers in your area. BT has phone directories that will let you look-up for land line phone numbers for people who have agreed to let their phone numbers be published. You can find phone numbers in the United States by using online phone directories. If people choose to keep their numbers unlisted, they will not appear in directories.
A guide to used motorcycle prices

A guide to used motorcycle prices

Many teenagers are attracted to motorcycles. Browsing through the Classifieds is a way in which you can find your motorcycle. If you want to get the best cheap motorcycle, you will need to know what the price for a used bike costs. Have a look at a new motorbike once it hits the road. Its value devaluation is a massive 30%. This is also why many people consider buying a used one. This article gives you more information about used motorcycle prices.
Asteroids: The facts

Asteroids: The facts

A buyer's guide to cup holders

A buyer's guide to cup holders

The original cup holders were only useful when a vehicle was stationary, but when driving in cinemas and fast food restaurants became popular, the need for a different type of car cup holder became apparent. Car manufacturers started to build cars with built-in tray tables to hold mugs and plates. This article guides you through the choice of cup holders which you would prefer in your car.