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What are the most effective metabolism boosters?

There are foods that can help to boost your metabolism and increase the rate of fuel-burning. Some of these foods are known as thermogenics. They improve digestion and support the metabolism of fat. Other foods stimulate metabolism simply by supporting a healthy, well-functioning thyroid gland.

Thermogenic foods

Weight loss To support weight loss, try adding foods that speed up your metabolism to your diet. While a well-balanced diet and regular exercise are essential, a faster metabolism can help as well. There are a handful of herbs and spices that have a thermogenic effect. Most of them are warming and stimulating. They have the effect of improving fat metabolism while also supporting healthy digestion. Some of these foods Cardamon, cayenne, cinnamon and ginger are all thermogenic foods that can help to boost your metabolism. Try using these spices while cooking on a daily basis. Try a cup of masala chai (tea) in the morning in place of coffee.
Ginger tea Drink fresh ginger tea as an after dinner beverage. Simply steep one teaspoon of the diced fresh root in one cup of boiling water for ten minutes. Strain and sweeten with honey or agave nectar. Ways of using these ingredients Add cayenne powder to stir-fried chicken and vegetables. Sprinkle freshly grated cinnamon over low-fat vanilla frozen Yogurt for dessert. There are dozens of ways to add these spices to your diet to help raise your metabolic rate naturally, while still enjoying a diverse, healthy diet. Green tea Green tea also has thermogenic properties. According to a study performed on mice, published in the Journal of Nutrition, drinking green tea may help to prevent the storage of excess fat. It may also help to lower cholesterol levels. When combined with a diet and exercise, a cup of antioxidant-rich green tea a day may also boost metabolism naturally.

Sea greens for a healthy thyroid

Iodine-rich sea greens Another way to naturally raise your metabolic rate is to nourish the thyroid gland. An effective way to do this is to include iodine-rich sea greens in your diet. By supporting thyroid function, kelp, nori, wakame and arame are all foods that speed up your metabolism.
Recipe suggestion
Try adding snipped sea greens to soups and stir-fries. Eat sushi once in awhile. Serve miso soup with sea greens. They not only contain high amounts of iodine, which is important for a healthy thyroid, but they are also rich in other nutrients including iron, magnesium and potassium. References Green Tea May Ward Off Weight Gain, WebMD -
Balch, Phyllis A. " Prescription for Nutritional Healing." Fourth Edition
(Penguin Books, 2006)

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