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What is hepatitis?

The elements discussed within this article will foster a clear understanding of what hepatitis really is. This piece explores a definition of hepatitis, the role of the liver, strains of the disease, risk factors for catching it, and its general symptoms.

Hepatitis explained

Hepatitis is an inflammation and possible swelling of the liver. The list of likely causes of hepatitis includes viruses, a malfunctioning immune system, environmental toxins, drugs and alcohol. Of these factors, toxins and viruses are chief causative agents. Your liver is the second largest organ in your body. Where is the liver? Your liver is situated within the upper right region of your abdomen. The main functions of your liver are to secrete bile, form and regulate blood, filter out toxins from the body, produce heat, and carry out other metabolic functions. As a result, liver diseases may affect the whole body and may even be fatal, owing to the critical functions that the liver must perform. Hepatitis falls into the two broad categories, viral or non-viral hepatitis. Forms Viral hepatitis takes on several forms namely hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, D and E. These types are reflective of the particular liver virus that might be at work. As such, virus B is a different strain of virus from A. Hepatitis B, C and D are very common and are the most serious forms as they can lead to chronic infections of the liver. Hepatitis A and E are less serious types, in that they usually result in acute hepatitis or short-term infections (Source: Oyakhire, 2010).

Hepatitis A ,B ,C: Risks of infection and symptoms

What is hepatitis A? Hepatitis A is an infection caused by the hepatitis A virus. You can become infected by this virus if you consume or touch food and other things that are contaminated by the blood or stool of an infected person. Engaging in oral-anal sexual contact with an infected individual also puts you at risk. The virus responsible for hepatitis B spreads through blood, semen, vaginal fluids and other body fluids. As a result, individuals who use the personal implements of others, and engage in unprotected sex, place themselves at high risk of catching it. Additionally, haemodialysis patients, households with an infected member, along with health workers, and inmates of nursing homes and rehabilitation centres are also at risk. The risks of contracting hepatitis C are more or less similar to those discussed about B. Although there are certain nuances among the various hepatitis infections, there are common symptoms. The general symptoms of hepatitis are: · Abdominal pain
· Dark urine
· Fatigue
· Generalised itching
· Jaundice or yellow skin
· Loss of appetite
· Nausea and vomiting
· Pale-coloured stools (Source:

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