Category "Art & Design"
Many people have body piercings, and the belly piercing is a very popular choice. in order for them to heal properly, all piercings need careful aftercare and cleaning, and above all, the patience to allow the body to repair itself. this article includes some tips on what to do when you get your belly pierced, but if you have any doubt, always see your doctor.
Maps are not only important for finding directions, but also for illustrating many other things such as traffic, population density, terrain and a variety of socio-economic factors such as literacy, life expectancy and infant mortality which can be plotted against it. in this article, i detail the best world maps.
The choice decoration for people these days tends to be to put up posters around their house or flat. these posters could represent anything, from places to bands and anything in between. posters can take the forms of photo banners, big stickers or lifesize cut-outs. where can you buy them from?
Art is in the eye of the beholder according to the quote but we all like to decorate our homes with pictures which appeal to our sense of beauty or which remind us of something special. whilst it would be great if we could all have a picasso on our walls, very few people have this kind of budget.
Drawing robots can be difficult when you do not know how to. this article provides you with simple step-by-step instructions on how to draw a fairly simple, cartoon robot.
For every train, there's a spotter. ever since richard trevithick's great 'puffing devil" rolled down the tracks in 1801, there's been a passion for uk trains amongst the spotters found on steam railways and central railways throughout railway uk.these great rail men love heritage railways and preserved railways, but grand central trains are becoming a firm favourite on their time-table.
Ok, so you have just redecorated your front room and it's looking great. in fact, all that is missing is some quality living room art. problem is there is no such thing as cheap art and art prints can often lack real effect. one solution is creating your own paintings on canvas and this article is going to help you get started.
Body art and airbrushing designs have become popular, not just in professional circles but also at home. no longer just used for airbrush tanning, artists looking to improve their skills in the art of tattoo design and application are now looking to airbrushing to practice and perfect their designs. airbrushing is also a popular alternative to temp tattoos at parties and for models and actors in film and the television world. here, we will look at the options and compare the prices of equipment available to body painters.
Human eyes and facial expressions, including all the wrinkles, fleshy folds and shadows, personify the human spirit, so artists strive to learn how to draw people's faces. as a newcomer to drawing, you will probably first learn how to draw with pencil, but don't expect a beautiful face to flow from your first try. plan on trying many times. you will get better. vincent van gogh spent years learning to draw, so be patient.
The art of fairy painting has been around for several decades and shows no sign of losing popularity. fairies are in tattoos, gothic statues, calendars, murals, needle craft, ceramics and t-shirts. amy brown was born in 1972, when interest in victorian fairy art was resurfacing. without formal art training, amy began painting fairies and dragons in her early twenties. this article reviews some of amy brown's fairy fantasy artwork.
Planning a wedding is generally a very stressful activity. brides and grooms will need to put thought into small details such as wedding envelopes and wedding party songs. this makes shopping for wedding address labels feel like a chore. thankfully, there are a number of ways to get these labels easily without spending too much money.
One of the most famous and instantly-recognisable landmarks in the world is the eiffel tower in paris. it is also one of the most beautiful, at least as far as man-made structures are concerned. its design construction replete with intricate patterns has made it a favourite of paris images for artists since its originally conception. so why not have a go at drawing it yourself? the execution may appear a little daunting, but this guide will show you how in a few simple steps.
Create your own greeting cards with some top tips. creating cards by hand can add a personal touch to any occasion. they are fun and interesting to make and can save you money too.
Being able to draw realistic-looking characters is a skill that a lot of people wish they could master. this step-by-step easy drawing tutorial will explain how to draw female characters - and the technique required to perfect the skill of cartoon drawing.
Pictures on canvas can add both warmth and style to any home. however, whilst there are many cheap art prints available to choose from it is often difficult to find one that you really like and that perfectly compliments your decor. creating your own artwork can be the perfect solution. nonetheless, you are probably going to need some help.