Category "Computers"
People who are asking themselves the question "how do i start my own website?", will be pleased to know that the answer is simple. all they need to do is to find some web space and start creating a website for either their personal or business use. with the advent of technology, the process of creating websites has become much easier. learn how to design your own website in this article.
Technological advances make our lives easier and more convenient. if you want to send fax, you no longer need to have a fax machine. you can quickly and easily fax directly from your computer in one of many ways, including via an internet fax service provider or using windows integrated fax and scan tools. in this article, read how to use one of the faster faxing methods - internet fax service - to start faxing from pc in a matter of minutes.
For many tv visual equipment, scart leads are still the standard, however they are slowly being phased out in favour of hdmi cables. however, at the moment, they are still readily available from many audio and visual stores and more importantly online. this article will show where you can buy replacement scart leads.
Are you trying to figure out how to connect your devices at home, but you are not sure what you need and how to do it? you don't really need to bang your head on the wall to figure this out. this article will provide you with steps on how to set up a lan for your home or business.
Leah buechley and sparkfun electronics have developed a microcontroller board designed for textiles. the application was called lilypad arduino and you can purchase it as a complete lilypad kit or you can only get certain components. the lilypad arduino functions using a microcontroller called atmega168v or atmega328v. physically, the lily pad is a small circle, 50 mm (2 in.) in diameter and 8 mm (1/32 in) thick.
For novice computer users, it can be difficult to determine whether your computer is good enough to run the latest software. in this article, we'll help you break through the jargon and understand what software specifications really mean. read on to find out how to learn how to tell the difference between hdds, cpus & gpus!
Are you thinking of buying an hp workstation? are you wondering where you can find the ideal hp workstation? in this case, you don’t have to spend your time searching, visiting retail stores and browsing through magazines and hundreds of websites. just read the following article and find out all the interesting facts that you need to know about buying an hp workstation.
In many cases, it can be useful to receive feedback from our web visitors. common php or cgi applications can process data and produce edited reporting. however, in most cases, just a plain email is enough. html provides an easy way to send web forms data through this channel.
Designing a gadget with lots of exciting features in it is on a great demand nowadays. system-on-a-chip, simply referred to as soc is a technique of packing or integrating all the fundamental components of a system or any electronic contraption. it's a complete gathering of all analogue, digital and frequently radio functions on a single chip. this article provides you with an overview of system-on-a-chip.
A few decades back, businesses would offshore only non-critical business processes such as customer support, telemarketing and telesales. the shift to outsourcing was mainly due to reduced costs. thanks to the development of it and communications, foreign companies are outsourcing even critical projects like website development, web application development and software programming. offshore development has many benefits apart from reduced costs. this article details the advantages of outsourcing software development.
Computer viruses can increase the rate of damage through replications. it can utilise all the resources, leaving the computer in an unresponsive state. sometimes the amount of damage causing by computer viruses can cost corporations and individuals hundreds of millions of dollars combined. however, there are tools that can be used to combat and remove computer viruses effectively.
There are many different types of computer virus around. this article does not detail how you can get rid of annoying viruses but it does explain a few of the different types of viruses that you can come across.
If you have ever had your laptop compromised, either by a theft or by an internal issue, like a virus, then you know the value of pc security. if not, then you are very lucky, and should be sure to secure your laptop before it gets damaged or stolen. this article will examine how to secure your laptop easily.
If your internet connection is slow and you would like to speed it up to boost web browsing and speed up downloads, there are computer tweaks that you can perform to get faster speeds on your broad band. read on how to tweak your pc to optimise available internet pc bandwidth connection for both speed up dsl and speed up dial up connection.
Computers get slow over time. a reason for this usually is installing and uninstalling programs. when you install a computer program, it writes stuff to the registry. depending on the program, when you uninstall the program, it should remove what it writes in the registry. if it doesn't, your pc gets slow as a result of the registry getting cluttered. here are three steps which can help speed up your pc: